The WTF Starts Now

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Now run that past me again?

Yahoo uses what?

My ISP uses what?


"Test User" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:40:17 -0400
> Mike <> wrote:
>> In article <OWYQwbIyHHA.988@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
>> Alias <> wrote:
>> > Not true. Many frustrated Vista users who post here are looking for
>> > viable alternatives and I am happy to provide them with a public
>> > service.

>> The only viable alternative to Windows is OS X.

> Wrong, I've been using FreeBSD on the desktop for years.
> FreeBSD is a viable desktop option, its very stable and super secure.
> We have a ports system with over 17,000 programs to choose from and
> their all free. My sister installed that bloated beast called Vista and
> I played around with it for about an hour - IT'S CRAP, it's modern day
> Windows/Me. I've never seen any system in my life eat resources like
> Vista does.
>>It is actually
>> gaining market share. Unlike Linux, which is still in the 0.5%
>> range after 15 years of "free" software.

> If Windows is sooo damn hot, why are massive websites like yahoo and
> many ISP's gravitating and using BSD?
Interesting first time in my life I have seen someone say Hotmail uses
Windows because it works for them. Hotmail uses Windows because they are
hosted by Microsoft and no other reason. As for the guy saying everyone is
gravitating to BSD for servers. Acctually their not these days all the big
companies are going towards AIX servers. Now for the whole start of this
arguement I have ran *nix for many years. There is no competition when it
comes to a general market OS. Windows is the only option at this time for
standard PC's OS X is nice but it still doesnt run as well as Windows does.
And lastly as far as Vista being an ME all over you have to be nutz right.
"Mike" <> wrote in message
> In article <M0bni.1130$fB2.846@newsfe04.lga>, Test User <>
> wrote:
>> Wrong, I've been using FreeBSD on the desktop for years.
>> FreeBSD is a viable desktop option, its very stable and super secure.
>> We have a ports system with over 17,000 programs to choose from and
>> their all free. My sister installed that bloated beast called Vista and
>> I played around with it for about an hour - IT'S CRAP, it's modern day
>> Windows/Me. I've never seen any system in my life eat resources like
>> Vista does.

> Yeah, sure. We heard the same song when XP was released.
>> If Windows is sooo damn hot, why are massive websites like yahoo and
>> many ISP's gravitating and using BSD?

> For the same reason Hotmail uses Windows? They use whatever works for
> them?
> Mike
Gary wrote:
>>>> Alias
>>> I've been working with computer system long before you knew what a
>>> computer was.

>> Really? The first time I operated a computer was in 1968. Remember punch
>> cards?

> Yes I was working on HP 3000, Data General 1200, and Univac 1108 systems
> with punch card readers.
> Also desiging hardware and software during that time.
>>> I've been playing with different versions of Linux and Ubuntu since it
>>> first came out.
>>> Its still a toy for a desktop OS always has been always will be.

>> What can Windows do that Ubuntu can't do besides accuse you of piracy,
>> play games requiring DX and attract viruses and malware?

> Interoperate with businesss software packages and do real work

And "real work" being?

>>> There has been no significant changes in years and you know it.

>> I've seen a significant change from Ubuntu 6.06 to 7.04.

> And no real change in the number of users. Several companys have offered
> systems with Linux and dropped it because nobody wanted it.

Companies ... companies. I like it better than XP or Vista I am somebody.

>>> Insert your FUD here.

>> YOU insert it. Yuck!

> Ya right. Grow up.

No sense of humor, eh? I guess you've been doing too much "real work".

Charlie Tame wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Mike wrote:
>>>>>>> Or some drivel like that. Frankly, I...don't have time to join
>>>>>>> religious cults.
>>>>>> Which is strange (well maybe not) because a couple of unbuntu's
>>>>>> leading cheerleaders in this ng are admitted atheist and don't
>>>>>> deny they’re communist which seems to fit in nicely with the free
>>>>>> software movement and echoes what SB of MS has said for some time
>>>>>> (a lot of communist use linux). I don't know if being an
>>>>>> atheist/communist is some kind of uber qualifier for being a linux
>>>>>> candidate, but the philosophies do seem to mess together quite
>>>>>> easily.
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> LOL! Do you realize how much you sound like Steve Ballmer?
>>>> I think Frank *is* Steve Ballmer.
>>>> Alias
>>> I will consider that as a real compliment!
>>> Thank you.
>>> Frank

>> Figures.
>> Alias



And Frank admires the man.

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Mike wrote:
>>>>>> Or some drivel like that. Frankly, I...don't have time to join
>>>>>> religious cults.
>>>>> Which is strange (well maybe not) because a couple of unbuntu's
>>>>> leading cheerleaders in this ng are admitted atheist and don't deny
>>>>> they’re communist which seems to fit in nicely with the free
>>>>> software movement and echoes what SB of MS has said for some time
>>>>> (a lot of communist use linux). I don't know if being an
>>>>> atheist/communist is some kind of uber qualifier for being a linux
>>>>> candidate, but the philosophies do seem to mess together quite easily.
>>>>> Frank
>>>> LOL! Do you realize how much you sound like Steve Ballmer?
>>> It was intentional, seeing as how I kind of paraphrased Mr. Ballmer
>>> in his contention that atheist & communist use and fit the linux free
>>> software ideology rather nicely.
>>> You don't see our main linux trolls vehemently denying that they are
>>> atheist or communist do you?
>>> Which in effect proves that SB and me (kind of rhymes, huh?) are
>>> correct in our assessment.
>>> Frank

>> I vote democratic and don't believe in a god. I do believe in cause
>> and effect. Do you?
>> Alias

> heheh...sure and which party in spain do you align yourself with?
> Frank

I don't vote in Spain as I am not a Spanish citizen (I have residency
due to being married to a Spanish lady). I vote in the US presidential
elections and vote democratic. Although there is a very small communist
party in Spain, I wouldn't vote for them if I could vote here.

So, that just leaves you god to go on about.

Frank wrote:
> Charlie Tame wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Mike wrote:
>>>>>> Or some drivel like that. Frankly, I...don't have time to join
>>>>>> religious cults.
>>>>> Which is strange (well maybe not) because a couple of unbuntu's
>>>>> leading cheerleaders in this ng are admitted atheist and don't deny
>>>>> they’re communist which seems to fit in nicely with the free
>>>>> software movement and echoes what SB of MS has said for some time
>>>>> (a lot of communist use linux). I don't know if being an
>>>>> atheist/communist is some kind of uber qualifier for being a linux
>>>>> candidate, but the philosophies do seem to mess together quite easily.
>>>>> Frank
>>>> LOL! Do you realize how much you sound like Steve Ballmer?
>>> It was intentional, seeing as how I kind of paraphrased Mr. Ballmer
>>> in his contention that atheist & communist use and fit the linux free
>>> software ideology rather nicely.
>>> You don't see our main linux trolls vehemently denying that they are
>>> atheist or communist do you?
>>> Which in effect proves that SB and me (kind of rhymes, huh?) are
>>> correct in our assessment.
>>> Frank

>> Making associations like that only proves you are a looney Frank

> hehehe...then I'm in good company with Ballmer. I'll gladly accept that!
> Much better than that real nut case you open sores addicts worship, RS.
> Frank

I don't even know who RS is, much less worship him or her.


Mike wrote:
> In article <urGnAKOyHHA.4896@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>,
> Alias <> wrote:
>>> Of course, the Linux Loonies will deny these numbers. They always do.
>>> Cue Alias and the Ubuntu marketing department.

>> You misunderstand.

> There he is, right on schedule! At least he didn't try to deny the
> numbers.
>> As a Windows user for many years, I thought I would
>> never use Linux. I thought it would be too much command line and terms I
>> really don't want to learn and would involve a lot of work and I believe
>> that's the way Linux was for many years and, hence, the general opinion
>> that Linux is for geeks. Once I installed it, I realized that my
>> preconceptions were false and found it fairly easy to install and use.

> No, it just means you became a geek.
> BTW, that is *not* meant as an insult. I consider myself a geek also.
> Anyone who actually installs OSes - as opposed to just getting one with
> a computer and having no idea what an "OS" is - is a geek.
> I've got Vista and 2 OS X versions on this computer, XP and OS X on
> another, and Vista, XP and OS X on a third - with OS/2, BeOS and Windows
> Server 2003 in VPC 2007 running under Vista. Plus a "real Mac" with a
> Power PC G4 CPU running OS X and - for when I want to laugh at a
> *really* primitive OS - MacOS 9.2.2. Pure geekdom!
> However, Linux still does not appeal to me. I simply have no use for
> it. I've had various Red Hat distros installed in VPC, but I never
> really did anything with them. Basically just looked at them and said
> "Meh. Big deal". I've tried installing "Ubuntu" in VPC but it
> doesn't work.
> Mike

So, you think that Ubuntu is no good yet you've never installed it. Or,
should I say, couldn't install it. Try using a spare hard disk and then
get back to me on what you think of it. Unlike Vista, you can try Ubuntu
out for free. Just be sure you install Feisty Fawn, aka ver. 7.04.

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Gary wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:emowydJyHHA.5276@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>>> Give it up already Linux and Ubuntu is crap on the desktop and
>>>>>> over 98% of the world knows it.
>>>>> False and false.
>>>>>> Those numbers have not made any significant changes in the last 10
>>>>>> years.
>>>>> False.
>>>>>> So go play with your other Linux droids.
>>>>> The inevitable insult from someone jealous because he paid an arm
>>>>> and a leg for Vista only to find out that Ubuntu is better and
>>>>> free. Too bad, baby. Or should I say Hasta La Vista, Baby?
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Didn't cost me a dime. And Ubuntu is still crap for anyone who does
>>>> real work.
>>> Truer words were never spoken! :-)
>>> Frank

>> Course neither of you dare to say what "real work" is and can only
>> snootily sneer at Open Source. Jealousy usually works that way.
>> Alias

> There is a reality that you linux lovers are simply not willing or are
> unable to accept and that is that linux is not a main stream business os
> capable of running most "real world" productive software. And please,
> don't tell me about wine or emulators. We've been thru diatribe with you
> guys many times before and nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed. You
> still can't run most major software applications on linux...period! The
> software applications most business need and use on a daily basis will
> not run on linux. Linux has some applications that are "almost" similar,
> but "almost" won't cut it in the "real" business world.
> Sorry!
> You may think in your mind that is will but in the "real" world (a place
> you don't seem to be a part of) it really doesn't run the type of
> software most (90+ %) of all business need to run in order to be
> productive.
> Now you may insert your snide, irrelevant reply that makes you feel good
> because it doesn't change a darn thing and deep inside you know it doesn't.
> Frank

And the real work is? And the software programs are?

Alias, not holding his breath
Gary wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:OKfGADNyHHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Gary wrote:
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:emowydJyHHA.5276@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>> Give it up already Linux and Ubuntu is crap on the desktop and over 98%
>>>>> of the world knows it.
>>>> False and false.
>>>>> Those numbers have not made any significant changes in the last 10
>>>>> years.
>>>> False.
>>>>> So go play with your other Linux droids.
>>>> The inevitable insult from someone jealous because he paid an arm and a
>>>> leg for Vista only to find out that Ubuntu is better and free. Too bad,
>>>> baby. Or should I say Hasta La Vista, Baby?
>>>> Alias
>>> Didn't cost me a dime. And Ubuntu is still crap for anyone who does real
>>> work.

>> False (again).
>> Alias

> Really? prove it.

You'll have to tell me what "real work" is first.

In article <uQzvYgSyHHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>,
Alias <> wrote:

> So, you think that Ubuntu is no good yet you've never installed it.

No, I didn't say that. I can't install it because I have no HD space.

I played with the live CD, booting it on this laptop. It didn't
recognize the wifi adapter. It was ugly.

In article <erOH8nOyHHA.5484@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
Charlie Tame <> wrote:

> Bit too hard for a novice maybe eh?

I don't know - who is a novice?

In article <uTSo#7QyHHA.4516@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>,
"Ian Betts" <> wrote:

> Now run that past me again?
> Yahoo uses what?


> My ISP uses what?

My ISP is using Windows Server 2003 and Solaris.

Mike wrote:
> In article <uQzvYgSyHHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>,
> Alias <> wrote:
>> So, you think that Ubuntu is no good yet you've never installed it.

> No, I didn't say that. I can't install it because I have no HD space.
> I played with the live CD, booting it on this laptop. It didn't
> recognize the wifi adapter. It was ugly.
> Mike

Install it and configure the appearance to your taste. Then go to the
Ubuntu forums to find out how to configure your WiFi.

In article <ecMrm$SyHHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>,
Alias <> wrote:

> Install it and configure the appearance to your taste. Then go to the
> Ubuntu forums to find out how to configure your WiFi.

And after all of that I'll still just end up with.......another Linux

No thanks. Don't need it, I already have OS X for my geeky *nix needs.
OS X is better right now than Linux will ever be because it has, you
know, professional programmers/designers working on it. People who
actually understand UI design.

Mike wrote:
> In article <ecMrm$SyHHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>,
> Alias <> wrote:
>> Install it and configure the appearance to your taste. Then go to the
>> Ubuntu forums to find out how to configure your WiFi.

> And after all of that I'll still just end up with.......another Linux
> install.
> No thanks. Don't need it, I already have OS X for my geeky *nix needs.
> OS X is better right now than Linux will ever be because it has, you
> know, professional programmers/designers working on it. People who
> actually understand UI design.
> Mike

Head. Sand. You've never tried Ubuntu because you're biased.

End of dialog.

In article <e6itZkTyHHA.4640@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
Alias <> wrote:

> Head. Sand. You've never tried Ubuntu because you're biased.

Head. Ass.

Get over it. You're just upset because someone doesn't like your
favorite OS.

I *have* tried it. I just was not impressed. Just like *you* are not
impressed with Vista. The difference is I'm not whining because you
don't like Vista. Unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to
software. Vista is not "a cause" to me.

The other difference is I'm not trolling the Linux groups preaching
Vista to Linux users.

Mike wrote:
> In article <e6itZkTyHHA.4640@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
> Alias <> wrote:
>>Head. Sand. You've never tried Ubuntu because you're biased.

> Head. Ass.
> Get over it. You're just upset because someone doesn't like your
> favorite OS.
> I *have* tried it. I just was not impressed. Just like *you* are not
> impressed with Vista. The difference is I'm not whining because you
> don't like Vista. Unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to
> software. Vista is not "a cause" to me.
> The other difference is I'm not trolling the Linux groups preaching
> Vista to Linux users.
> Mike

hahaha...nailed his stupid arse!
Well put.
Exactly identifies these linux trolls to a"T"!
On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:33:57 -0700, Frank <fb@nospamer.cmn> wrote:

>Mike wrote:
>> In article <e6itZkTyHHA.4640@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
>> Alias <> wrote:
>>>Head. Sand. You've never tried Ubuntu because you're biased.

>> Head. Ass.
>> Get over it. You're just upset because someone doesn't like your
>> favorite OS.
>> I *have* tried it. I just was not impressed. Just like *you* are not
>> impressed with Vista. The difference is I'm not whining because you
>> don't like Vista. Unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to
>> software. Vista is not "a cause" to me.
>> The other difference is I'm not trolling the Linux groups preaching
>> Vista to Linux users.
>> Mike

>hahaha...nailed his stupid arse!
>Well put.
>Exactly identifies these linux trolls to a"T"!

Being an ass defines you to a "T" Frank. It's what you are.
Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Charlie Tame wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> The poster formerly known as Nina DiBoy wrote:
>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Mike wrote:
>>>>>>> Or some drivel like that. Frankly, I...don't have time to join
>>>>>>> religious cults.
>>>>>> Which is strange (well maybe not) because a couple of unbuntu's
>>>>>> leading cheerleaders in this ng are admitted atheist and don't
>>>>>> deny they’re communist which seems to fit in nicely with the free
>>>>>> software movement and echoes what SB of MS has said for some time
>>>>>> (a lot of communist use linux). I don't know if being an
>>>>>> atheist/communist is some kind of uber qualifier for being a linux
>>>>>> candidate, but the philosophies do seem to mess together quite
>>>>>> easily.
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> LOL! Do you realize how much you sound like Steve Ballmer?
>>>> It was intentional, seeing as how I kind of paraphrased Mr. Ballmer
>>>> in his contention that atheist & communist use and fit the linux
>>>> free software ideology rather nicely.
>>>> You don't see our main linux trolls vehemently denying that they are
>>>> atheist or communist do you?
>>>> Which in effect proves that SB and me (kind of rhymes, huh?) are
>>>> correct in our assessment.
>>>> Frank
>>> Making associations like that only proves you are a looney Frank

>> hehehe...then I'm in good company with Ballmer. I'll gladly accept that!
>> Much better than that real nut case you open sores addicts worship, RS.
>> Frank

> I don't even know who RS is, much less worship him or her.
> Oops.
> Alias

He (RS) is your leader and you glorify him everyday.
Adam Albright wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:33:57 -0700, Frank <fb@nospamer.cmn> wrote:
>>Mike wrote:
>>>In article <e6itZkTyHHA.4640@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
>>> Alias <> wrote:
>>>>Head. Sand. You've never tried Ubuntu because you're biased.
>>>Head. Ass.
>>>Get over it. You're just upset because someone doesn't like your
>>>favorite OS.
>>>I *have* tried it. I just was not impressed. Just like *you* are not
>>>impressed with Vista. The difference is I'm not whining because you
>>>don't like Vista. Unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to
>>>software. Vista is not "a cause" to me.
>>>The other difference is I'm not trolling the Linux groups preaching
>>>Vista to Linux users.

>>hahaha...nailed his stupid arse!
>>Well put.
>>Exactly identifies these linux trolls to a"T"!

> Being an ass defines you to a "T" Frank. It's what you are.

It's becoming quite evident by your postings that you're really not all
that bright.
In fact, you're postings define you as being rather stupid, mr genius.