On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:44:17 -0700, Frank <fb@nospamer.cmn> wrote:
>Adam Albright wrote:
>> On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:50:53 -0700, Frank <fb@nospamer.cmn> wrote:
>>>Adam Albright wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:51:47 -0700, Frank <fb@nospamer.cmn> wrote:
>>>>>>>>You can set the color to anything you like, even Vista Black. Black
>>>>>>>>crap means you're constipated, yaknow, like Vista. It's not crap. You
>>>>>>>>just can't see that the times are changing and, like an old woman,
>>>>>>>>have to cling to the past.
>>>>>>>Vista doesn't have any black in it.
>>>>>>Look at this screen shot:
>>>>>>Note the bar that runs on the bottom of the screen. What color is it?
>>>>>>Look at this screen shot of Windows Media (not responding) and take a
>>>>>>gander at the bar at the top where you see Now Playing, Library, Rip,
>>>>>>etc. What color is it?
>>>>>You're color blind you stupid moron and know nothing at all about colors
>>>>>cause that sure as hell ain't black.
>>>>>Get lost you stupid linux loser.
>>>>Frank you insist on proving daily you are just a freaking idiot some
>>>>village thankfully lost.
>>>>You know what you problem is numbnuts? You don't think and you refuse
>>>>to listen so you NEVER learn a damn thing you annoying little pissant.
>>>>Of course the color black is present in Vista's color schemes you
>>>>clueless babbling baboon. There is a very easy way to prove it too.
>>>>Start up Media Player, ensure you have Video Settings showing at the
>>>>bottom of the window, just so you get the exact same view I'm looking
>>>>at. What color do you see Frankie? That's called black. Need more
>>>>proof, well pay attention.
>>>>Reduce the Media Player window so it doesn't fill the screen. Next
>>>>start up the Snipping tool and select some of the area that's below
>>>>where media plays.
>>>>Start up Photoshop or any graphic application that has an eye dropper
>>>>tool or any tool that can read RGB values.
>>>>If you copy the snipping tool's selection to the clipboard, then start
>>>>Photoshop, select new, a new window the size of the area you snipped
>>>>will appear, just paste what you just snipped with the snipping tool.
>>>>Now make sure Photoshop has the information window enabled. Now slowly
>>>>move your mouse over the image you just pasted. Guess what Frankie,
>>>>Photoshop shows it to be absolute black because is shows the RGB
>>>>values as follows: R=0, G=0, B=0. Iron clad undisputed proof Vista
>>>>produces the color black in it's color schemes.
>>>>Now watch little Frankie start throwing monkey feces around, begin to
>>>>yell curse and scream just to try to pretend it isn't so.
>>>You're wrong you moron. Use the jpg alias used as an example. It's
>>>100,0,0. and guess what you stupid as*shole that AIN'T BLACK!!!
>>>Hahahah...you two are a real pair of idiots.
>> Just when I thought even Frankie couldn't be any dumber you prove
>> again you can be. Listen carefully numbnuts. I SET YOU UP.
>> The image Alias linked to was of the shell desktop which can be
>> VARIABLE as far as it's colors. Well Frankie, fool you are you
>> obviously didn't know that under Vista if Aero is enabled the shell is
>> influenced by Color themes you can alter so standard GUI features not
>> only can take on different hue intensities but different degrees of
>> transparency.
>> That fool, is why I selected something that by default doesn't have
>> it's color scheme altered; Media Player. Your original claim was Vista
>> can't produce the color black. Now you being proven wrong you
>> desperately try to move the goal post and try to scream what about
>> some single jpg. I just proved you are totally wrong and rubbed your
>> nose in your usual crap.
>> As even simpler proof Vista produces black just bring up a command
>> prompt. That window too is black Frankie.
>> Care to play some more? I got a whole roll of quarters and I'm willing
>> to make you dance all day long like you always do for me.
>hehehe...you're still wrong georgie-boy. The sample in question is not
>black and you know it. Rant all you want mr genius but it won't change a
>Ever get tired of my booting your ignorant drunken arse all over this mg?
>I sure don't..hahaha...lol!
Nobody is talking about a single sample except YOU Frankie boy and the
only reason you need to zero in on a single image is because I
discredited what you claimed totally. You claimed Vista can't produce
the color black. Then you modified what you claimed to say the Vista's
GUI can't produce black, now you're trying to say a single image isn't
black which if you want to split hairs it isn't.
The question has nothing to do with the SHADE of black on the RGB
scale, rather does it LOOK black to your typical user. How black it
looks or not is determined by many variables, the monitor, room
lighting, graphic card, if the monitor is properly calibrated to
reflect accurate black and white points, contrast level and so on. You
are trying to latch on to that while running away from your original
claim which I totally disproved. That is what you always you because
you're nothing but a constantly lying weasel, that's all you're good