MICHAEL wrote:
> * Henry:
>> Really!
>> No freezes, faults, crashes, breakdowns. Everything works
>> perfectly including my old custom stuff from W95 days. Speed is
>> about the same as XP. Vista repairs itself, defrags the drive,
>> protects my work, solves problems on its own. The sidebar has
>> seriously useful gadgets that make life easier. Files and
>> folders are now easier to find, in any of several ways.
>> I came by looking for more joy, gadgets, exploitation stories,
>> and high fives -- and learned that people happy with Vista don't
>> waste time here. That leaves the rest...
> I have Vista on three machines, and have been using Vista regularly
> for over a year. Vista is stable and works good.... but so did XP.
> What are you doing that is amazingly better/faster in Vista?
> Please, don't say search. WDS which is built into Vista is available
> for XP, and there's Copernic, Yahoo Desktop Search, Google Desktop search, too.
> Sidebar? Please, there are a few free alternatives for XP that do the exact
> same thing and better. Prettier graphics is about all there is to the "wow".
> This statement that you made sums up my biggest complaint
> about Vista; "Speed is about the same as XP". All these years
> after XP, all the advances since XP, and this is what we get- a
> "new" OS where "Speed is about the same as XP".
> Some will list other internal improvements of Vista, but for the most
> part, this is still the most common thing said about Vista, like it's
> supposed to be a good thing; "Speed is about the same as XP".
> Over five years later and a supposed $6 billion plus later we get an OS
> that is "almost as good as XP", or "a bit better". That's it?
> I'm not impressed.
> The amazing thing about some of those comments, they are coming
> from users who have bought new computers with plenty of power and
> Vista already installed. Dam straight Vista should be seem faster than
> what they had.... and more than just "a bit" or "almost as fast" as XP.
> Vista is not crap, but I am so underwhelmed.
> -Michael
You forgot about the groovy anti piracy program Vista users get to
participate in on a regular basis. Yaknow, calling India all the time to
prove you're not a thief ... wow!