Using the 'hand' or the 'Move to' option to move an email to the inbox to another label; sometimes get the same result, sometimes Not?

Windows 10

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Hello. I have experienced this a few times and despite much reading about it I still understand. Today I used the 'hand' to move 2 emails to a chosen label, but they remained in my inbox . So I did more reading and was told that if I ADDED an email to a label (my understanding that when I use the hand to grab it) The email will stay in the Inbox... That kind of make it clear. So I went to my inbox and ticked those 2 emails and used the icon 'Move to' and moved them again to the other label. So far so good; as they were not in the inbox anymore.But, I still had one more email in my inbox (re

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