Gene E. Bloch
On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:21:55 -0500, Bud Vitoff wrote:
> The hyphens might be an Australian thing.
> I tried to make the distinction between reboot and restart, and I'm not sure
> I got through to her. You're right. In my opinion, reboot means powering
> down, and restart doesn't. I'm convinced that this is a software thing, not
> a hardware thing, and therefore restarting should be all that's required,
> but since she was helping me, I wasn't going to fight with her about it.
> In any event, she did point me in the right direction on this thing. I
> don't think the two other fixes (icon cache and hibernation) have anything
> to do with it. I experimented a lot with changing the themes, and at first
> I thought I was having some success, but it was short-lived. My daughter
> felt it wasn't that big a deal -- more of small nuisance -- so I gave up.
> But dammit, you can't be a persnickety programmer for 50+ years and leave a
> bug lying around. Now that you've been exposed to the new clues, do you
> have any other insights that might help? I'm ready to call Microsoft and
> pay for a fix. That could be messy, though, because they would use
> Easy-Assist to take over my machine, which is fine with me, but since it
> involves rebooting/restarting, we would be constantly breaking and
> re-establishing the connection; thereby providing a pain where a pill can't
> reach.
> I'm glad you're still watching. I need the moral support,
As long as you don't need *technical* support
I keep forgetting to look when I boot - or start - my computer ;-)
I am currently using Fences, which might hide any effect similar to your
problem, even if I try to look...
> On 4/5/10 4:16 PM, in article 1je366pkhg0tl$.t5zghqwtbyam.dlg@40tude.net,
> "Gene E. Bloch" wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Apr 2010 21:10:54 -0500, BudV wrote:
>>> Gene, if you're still around, I've got mixed news.
>>> The problem is associated with the theme (Right-click on desktop >
>>> Personalize > Theme), and the fix deals, more or less, with changing the
>>> theme. I won't go into details, but the link below will take you to the
>>> thread where I got the critical help. It seems to be a strong help site,
>>> and the guy-in-charge says somewhere that if you post a problem that doesn't
>>> get replies for several days, he will give his personal attention to finding
>>> a solution (or words to that effect). I'm suitably impressed.
>>> http://www.techsupportforum.com/microsoft-support/windows-vista-windows-7-sup
>>> port/467343-vista-desktop-shortcuts-mess-up-startup.html
>> I seem to be confused again
>> While looking at that forum, a thought occurred to me: I have no idea
>> whether any of my desktop icons is highlighted when I restart. I just don't
>> pay attention, even after reading this thread. Bad boy...
>> BTW, I am also not sure about your and JenaE's distinction between restart
>> & reboot... I guess you mean one of them involves powering down.
>> Let me also add something about hyphens. The command in JenaE's post wasn't
>> "- powercfg". She (I am assuming the gender is feminine) was just using
>> ":-" as a punctuation mark the way you & I might use a colon alone. Not
>> unique to JenaE, I might add, but not common in the USA.
Gene E. Bloch letters0x40blochg0x2Ecom
> The hyphens might be an Australian thing.
> I tried to make the distinction between reboot and restart, and I'm not sure
> I got through to her. You're right. In my opinion, reboot means powering
> down, and restart doesn't. I'm convinced that this is a software thing, not
> a hardware thing, and therefore restarting should be all that's required,
> but since she was helping me, I wasn't going to fight with her about it.
> In any event, she did point me in the right direction on this thing. I
> don't think the two other fixes (icon cache and hibernation) have anything
> to do with it. I experimented a lot with changing the themes, and at first
> I thought I was having some success, but it was short-lived. My daughter
> felt it wasn't that big a deal -- more of small nuisance -- so I gave up.
> But dammit, you can't be a persnickety programmer for 50+ years and leave a
> bug lying around. Now that you've been exposed to the new clues, do you
> have any other insights that might help? I'm ready to call Microsoft and
> pay for a fix. That could be messy, though, because they would use
> Easy-Assist to take over my machine, which is fine with me, but since it
> involves rebooting/restarting, we would be constantly breaking and
> re-establishing the connection; thereby providing a pain where a pill can't
> reach.
> I'm glad you're still watching. I need the moral support,
As long as you don't need *technical* support

I keep forgetting to look when I boot - or start - my computer ;-)
I am currently using Fences, which might hide any effect similar to your
problem, even if I try to look...
> On 4/5/10 4:16 PM, in article 1je366pkhg0tl$.t5zghqwtbyam.dlg@40tude.net,
> "Gene E. Bloch" wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Apr 2010 21:10:54 -0500, BudV wrote:
>>> Gene, if you're still around, I've got mixed news.
>>> The problem is associated with the theme (Right-click on desktop >
>>> Personalize > Theme), and the fix deals, more or less, with changing the
>>> theme. I won't go into details, but the link below will take you to the
>>> thread where I got the critical help. It seems to be a strong help site,
>>> and the guy-in-charge says somewhere that if you post a problem that doesn't
>>> get replies for several days, he will give his personal attention to finding
>>> a solution (or words to that effect). I'm suitably impressed.
>>> http://www.techsupportforum.com/microsoft-support/windows-vista-windows-7-sup
>>> port/467343-vista-desktop-shortcuts-mess-up-startup.html
>> I seem to be confused again

>> While looking at that forum, a thought occurred to me: I have no idea
>> whether any of my desktop icons is highlighted when I restart. I just don't
>> pay attention, even after reading this thread. Bad boy...
>> BTW, I am also not sure about your and JenaE's distinction between restart
>> & reboot... I guess you mean one of them involves powering down.
>> Let me also add something about hyphens. The command in JenaE's post wasn't
>> "- powercfg". She (I am assuming the gender is feminine) was just using
>> ":-" as a punctuation mark the way you & I might use a colon alone. Not
>> unique to JenaE, I might add, but not common in the USA.
Gene E. Bloch letters0x40blochg0x2Ecom