On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 08:28:10 -0400, "Robert Aldwinckle"
>"rob^_^" wrote in message
>> Standard MRU combo box algorithm.
>So it's still there in Vista? Pardon for referring to it as LRU. That's
>from the replacement perspective. MRU is from the (more common) access
>perspective. Same idea, ordering the elements of a collection by frequency
>of use.
Well... if anyone has any more ideas, feel free to post. It's
recording almost no URL's at this point, so I may just resign myself
to that and manually edit to add the few I'd like to see in there...
then delete out the few that creep in that I don't need.
Perhaps if there was a utility for this, it would be a "feature".
>"rob^_^" wrote in message
>> Standard MRU combo box algorithm.
>So it's still there in Vista? Pardon for referring to it as LRU. That's
>from the replacement perspective. MRU is from the (more common) access
>perspective. Same idea, ordering the elements of a collection by frequency
>of use.
Well... if anyone has any more ideas, feel free to post. It's
recording almost no URL's at this point, so I may just resign myself
to that and manually edit to add the few I'd like to see in there...
then delete out the few that creep in that I don't need.
Perhaps if there was a utility for this, it would be a "feature".