"+Bob+" wrote in message
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 00:32:26 -0400, "Robert Aldwinckle"
> OS is Vista, SP2, all updates installed though a few days ago.
> Seems like it's not writing the URL's to typedURL - except on some
> random basis.
> I just did a Reset on IE and cleared everything. It went to
> go.microtsoft.com automatically when I restarted it and that URL was
> recorded in typedURLs.
Why would something that happened automatically go into TypedURLs? In my
experience (pre-W7) the only things that went in there were URLs which
resulted in successful connections. E.g. typically no mistyping unless
there really was a host name which matched that mistyping. In particular
URLs which were entered using the Ctrl-o dialog didn't get put there. I
just proved that is still the case with Ctrl-o
www.edsel.com Enter.
> I then visited some sites I was sure were not
> in my history or favorites. Here's a list:
> www.ford.com, www.lotuscars.com, www.chrysler.com, www.hyundai.com,
> www.example.com.
Good examples!
> None of these URL's are in my favorites and this machine has never
> been to chrysler or hyundai (keeping in mind that my history was
> cleared too in the reset). I've may have been to the others in the
> long past (uncertain, but keep in mind I cleared the history). Along
> the way with this problem I've also used ccleaner to clear the other
> MSIE schmegma so there should actually be no history anywhere of any
> of these sites.
> Out of those URL's, only chryler.com and example.com were recorded in
> typedURL's. Just for kicks, I changed one of the typedURL keys in
> regedit and added another. They showed up just fine back in MSIE.
That's bizarre. I was imagining that perhaps ones which did redirects
wouldn't be there because there wouldn't be any completed connections with
them. So, in that case both Chrysler and Hyundai would not have appeared,
since they both redirect. Also what exactly is recorded there, your exact
typing or the URL that is left in the Address bar after you press Enter?
E.g. although I entered your examples exactly as you gave them each is
enclosed within http:// and a trailing / in both the registry and in the
F4 display under the Address bar.
> So, it seems that the mechanism that gets the "new" links to
> typedURL's is not working.
Remember I mentioned the possibility of there being two representations?
Have you tried closing IE after each test? Or at least pressing F5 in
RegEdit then as you are viewing (HKCU) TypedURLs?
FWIW I'm on W7 and noticing what I think may be a new implementation. E.g.
in XP I can remember that there was a special value which represented all of
the entries by a letter--probably why the implementation was restricted to
having only 25 entries and then that was used somehow in a replacement
algorithm--perhaps a true LRU replacement scheme. I see no sign of that in
W7. Instead what happens is that each time I enter a new URL in the
Address bar it is assigned to url1 and all the others are re-numbered
accordingly. Hence, no LRU possibility, just discarding whatever happens
to be url25 at the time. Pity the poor person who wants to manage 26
frequently used entries this way. OMG! I just realized that they
could actually have a kind of LRU mechanism if they also rewrote everything
not just as it was changed but as it was used. In fact, that seems to be
what happens. Who knew? (Writing just the string of letters would be
more efficient but perhaps someone didn't quite understand how it used to
work.) ; }
I have always been annoyed that it didn't save any javascript: fragments I
would enter. That still seems to be true. But I can still do about:1
about:2 ... about:25 to "clear" the TypedURLs. (Memories.) ; ) In any
case, I saw all of your examples added one by one into my TypedURLs and I
saw them reported (or more likely I suspect, mirrored) when I pressed F4 in
the IE Address bar. And as I mentioned when I actually used one it became
number 1 and all the others were renumbered accordingly.
BTW there is another possibility you could try. Turn off AutoComplete for
the Address bar. New to IE8 that loses being able to press F4 and see the
TypedURLs listed under the Address bar but instead what you could then do is
press Ctrl-o CursorDown and see them all listed under the Open dialog's
input box. ; )
If you want you could trace whether TypedURLs is being updated consistently
using ProcMon. I'll be interested in knowing if you have the old string of
letters LRU mechanism or if you see the same update even on access
implementation that I am seeing.