With 32GB of RAM on Windows 11 x64, does required pagefile size differ with SSD?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ict-onderwijs.ondersteuner
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In the past, let's say around Windows 7 x64 on HDD with smaller RAM sizes (lesser than 16/32GB) I learned that recommended pagefile size at the HDD equals to:The fysical RAM size plus the square root of that fysical RAM, which is almost about 1.5 times the size of fysical RAM.Yet the current configuration on Windows 11 x64:i7 cpu, 32GB of RAM and Windows x64 running on Samsung SSD (where pagefile currently resides).Current (automatic) pagefile configuration:minimun: 16MB recommended size: 4981MBcurrently assigned: 2048MBSo why is pagefile more or less 12,5% of fysical RAM size (32GB /8)?Has th

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