Terry, `firewall.cpl' is not what I was looking for. If you have a vista
machine and you do Run===WF.msc you'll get a pretty comprehensive app that
allows for many firewall setting including lists of outgoing/ingoing
firewall settings, with an ability to disable any, add more, etc. . Maybe XP
just doesn't have this.
Paul C.
"Terry R." wrote in message
> On 3/1/2010 7:18 AM On a whim, Paul Calcagno pounded out on the keyboard
>> Does anyone happen do know the command for the Advanced Firewall settings
>> in
>> Win
>> XP. I tried `wf.msc' (which may be just for Vista) on my wife's WinXP
>> computer and it doesn't work.
>> Paul C.
> Are you looking for firewall.cpl?
> Terry R.
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