windows defender tasks apprently are not working property in 2004 tried back in june and july not sure why have done media creation tool

  • Thread starter Thread starter JasonSummey
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so back on june 16th 1st time i jump from 1909 to windows feature 2004 now normally after verification will run 3 other task will follow which are windows defender cache mainteance windows defender cleanup windows defender scheduler scan like in 1909

anyways i stayed there in 16-22nd verification scan 2 days afterwards but not others so i went back into 1909 on 22nd

i stayed in 1909 rest of that month and i tried once again to go into windows feature update 2004 2nd time around on july 13th i decided to stay longer then a week verification ran after 2 days then on 20th cleanup ran 1 time that week and then on 27 why i'm not sure so didn't really know when windows defender cache mainteance will run or windows defender scheduler task so i kindof ran them manually thinking run manually task broken

so i was in chat on 30th somebody told me i need to do media creation tool to reset those task to work again which i did now keep in mind i'm already in windows feature update 2004 i did upgrade this pc now on media creation tool

i hated it i went back on 3rd i waited few mins sure enough only verification scan ran and cleanup other 2 tasks still broken from 27th they never ran so went back to media creation tool that did

now i don't know if due to on weds 5th due to new windows defender platform 4.18.2007.8 or due to new month aka aug but all task got reset back immediatally i went back to windows feature up 2004 from july 13 since ya know i couldn't actually go into 1909 because been 10 days so i was stuck

anyways so verifcation ran then once again cleanup ran this past weds 1 time only i suspect it will still run again 1 time next week since aug is longer then july i'm hoping by end of the month windows defender task scheduler and windows defender cache mainteance will eventually run when i don't know

now last sat my dad laptop got upgraded from 1909 to windows feature update 2004 i check last night i see the 3 other tasks are running like they should along with verification scan<-which used to be do what 1909 on my computer would do

so i asked 2 folks tenforms on issue because i asked this same question to them 1 so adament saying i need to do clean install basically a repeat what i just wrote down

apparently 1 of computers last sat upstairs got updated 2004 laptop and last night I look into windows defender tasks besides verification scan clean up cache maintenance windows defender windows defender scheduler scan always runs every day basically what 1909 used to be

so i'm not sure why even from very beginning when I try to do windows feature update 2004 from 1909 june 16th why verification ran few days and I stayed in rest of week but none of other task ran on 23rd then I roll back 1909 stayed there long time until try july 13th verification ran then like 2nd 3rd week cleanup ran 1 time and week after never knew if other 2 tasks ran due to me manually ran them on 27th did media creation tool 30th 1st time hated went back on 8th then had to go back in then on 5th everything got reset<-which went back windows feature update and cleanup did run 1 time this past weds still waiting on 2 other task run end of the month

i'm curious why even from very beginning 1st time in june why those 3 tasks aren't doing the old way like they was in 1909 and doing just fine running every day dad laptop when he did windows feature update from 1909 last sat

again I never really sat in media creation tool at all doing those flip flops rolling back 2004 windows feature update july 13th few times actually see if task work normally when upgrade this pc

so I wonder if 2004 mess up way tasks normally run like in 1909 yes windows defender summary scan did ran yesterday

i'm not going to do media creation tool<- unless cache maintenance and windows defender scheduler scan run automatically not sure when that is of course I can set up a trigger on them if have to there's another question what if does same thing if did upgrade this pc now

so 1st person tells me

In my opinion your Windows is corrupt. I do not update any production machines with Feature updates even with my complete Imaging process for at least three months.

I believe your original update did not complete correctly, exactly how it corrupted itself will always be a mystery.

My recommendation for you is to clean install. I would also start a Imaging routine at the earliest opportunity. This allows you to restore to a working version.

2nd person
I'm sorry, but I cannot explain it either, except to say it appears to be a 'one-off' specific to this PC. An in-place repair upgrade would be expected to fix such problems, but sounds like you've done that already without any luck. There doesn't seem any point in trying the MCT again. These tasks aren't critical, so if all else is working for you I'd leave it as it is. If you find other significant problems, then a clean install is probably your only option, but that's a lot of work to reinstall all your games and apps so should only be your last resort.

The next feature update will be along in about 3 months, 2009 is expected around November. That will only be a minor update like the one from 1903 to 1909, so is unlikely to change anything. The next major update will likely be along in May 2021. That may well fix these tasks.

basically in a nutshell i'm tired of doing media creation tool and rolling back to 2004 windows feature update which has july 13th on it and not sure what to do

i can put a trigger on 2 tasks if they don't run by end of the month automatically which i never had to do before or i can try to do media creation tool 2004 once again see of 3 tasks will run normally or not since i never actually stay if did or not

i admit sometimes in previous previous of windows have sometimes went into windows feature update and then roll back into old version and back into it again but i never had an issue whereas after verification scan will run 2 or 3 days the 3 other tasks will not begin to run aftewards everyday

so i'm so confused why it works great on my dad laptop why those 3 task are running every day on his after verification scan if he did windows feature update 2004 from 1909 last sat

why in the heck verification scan is running then 2nd or 3rd week cleanup 1 time and then week after still wondering if when 2 other task will run end of the week they used to work just fine in 1909 so not sure why doing this on my machine

i have never done clean install before and i don't think my brother will be happy since he controls my computer and 3 other computers upstairs despite i'm admin on this computer

now yesterday afternoon i did get notify windows defender summary scan in action center btw

so should i just leave alone and when next feature update begins in nov it will fixed issues i got with tasks or what

i hope somebody can tell me what to do i been going back and forth many days wearning me out but i just came to the point that those task aren't working like they should every since 1st time i try to go into 2004 in june and 2nd time in july from 1909 driving me nuts

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