Windows 2008 R2 update getting failed

  • Thread starter Thread starter gdsanju
  • Start date Start date


windows updates (kb4486563 and kb4471318) getting failed. followed multiple blog and instruction with no luck. however we are able install all other patches.

can someone assist us to resolved the update issue.

please find below CBS log (the log is to heavy and not able copied it.

2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS Starting TrustedInstaller initialization.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS Loaded Servicing Stack v6.1.7601.23505 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23505_none_681aa442f6fed7f0\cbscore.dll
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000001@2019/3/7:07:08:01.960 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee912eb5d @0x7feea7f9b6d @0x7feea7c358f @0xff26e97c @0xff26d799 @0xff26db2f)
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS Could not load SrClient DLL from path: SrClient.dll. Continuing without system restore points.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000002@2019/3/7:07:08:01.962 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee912eb5d @0x7feea846ade @0x7feea812984 @0x7feea7c3665 @0xff26e97c @0xff26d799)
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000003@2019/3/7:07:08:01.962 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee912eb5d @0x7fef54a8728 @0x7fef54a8856 @0xff26e474 @0xff26d7de @0xff26db2f)
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS TrustedInstaller service starts successfully.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart, or else a reboot is still pending.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CBS NonStart: Checking to ensure startup processing was not required.
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000004 IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions (call 1) (flags = 00000004, progress = NULL, phase = 0, pdwDisposition = @0x184f920
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000005 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
2019-03-07 12:38:01, Info CSI 00000006 Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x278
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CSI 00000007@2019/3/7:07:08:02.06 CSI perf trace:
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CBS NonStart: Success, startup processing not required as expected.
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CBS Startup processing thread terminated normally
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CSI 00000008 CSI Store 3459344 (0x000000000034c910) initialized
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CBS Session: 30725300_2160336448 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
2019-03-07 12:38:02, Info CBS Session: 30725300_2161498602 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, Parent: Microsoft-Hyper-V-WinPE-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, no parent found, go absent
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ar-SA~6.1.7601.17514, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, no parent found, go absent
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7601.17514, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7601.17514, state: Installed
2019-03-07 12:38:03, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24356.1.4, disposition state from detectParent: Installed

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