Windows 11 24H2 security baseline script error The term 'Import-GPO' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable pro

Windows Server

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
being required to install the Windows 11, version 24H2 update I figured I might as well use it so I turned on LSA with storing in firmware and ran the Baseline-ADImport.ps1 install script then the Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1 and checked the group policy settings but it wasn't updated so I copy and pasted each line of Baseline-ADImport.ps1 into PowerShell 7.5 and got to $GpoMap.Keys | ForEach-Object { $key = $_ $guid = $GpoMap[$key] Write-Host ($guid + ": " + $key

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