Windows 10 is the absolute worst operating system Microsoft has ever released for computers as a whole. There are way too many bugs in it, ranging from certain menus refusing to load to system crashes to giving notifications while using full screen applications even after that feature has been turned off, thus causing issues with those programs. And here Microsoft is, sitting on their pile of cash, not even doing anything to help those complaining about it. Their customer service team isn't any better, as they simple tell customers steps to fix the issues as given to them by their employers. Whether or not said steps actually solve anything isn't the problem. The problem is that they're being forced to lie to customers without even knowing they are in the first place. What's worse is the Microsoft doesn't even care in the slightest. Look at the number of forced updates, not just on Windows 10, but every single past version of Windows they've ever released. If they actually cared about the user experience, they'd listen to consumer feedback and do something to fix it. But they don't. Just look at Edge. There have been several major system updates released dedicated to updating Edge and nothing else. Why? Why is your browser more important than fixing security holes? Why is it more important than fixing OS related blue screening? And what is so hard about accepting the fact than not everyone wants to use Edge? Web browsers should be a choice, and customers should not be forced to use one they don't want to use. If anyone reading this wants my honest opinion, do not buy another Windows 10 system ever again. Microsoft is not in it for the customers, the tech, heck, even for their own platform. They're in it for the money. And if they are able to completely screw their customers over with a garbage heap of an OS while they bank everything they get from it, then it's a win-win for them
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