I'm getting close to the edge.
Son has an HP laptop - running WIN 10 Home edition. Until this morning it was unusable - 20 minutes plus to start up. I've upgraded the RAM to 16GB from 4GB, cleaned out the hard drive, Flashed the BIOS, Run windows update until it stopped saying it had updates to do. It starts up faster, but ask it to run anything and it slows to a crawl. It never uses more than 3GB of RAM and the HD is constantly running at 100% utilisation.
I've tried everything suggested that I can find - but nothing make a difference. He needs this to do his university work, and it should be quite capable of doing so.
Any ideas on how I can get around the RAM issue? I'll welcome any suggestions, even if I've already tried them.
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Son has an HP laptop - running WIN 10 Home edition. Until this morning it was unusable - 20 minutes plus to start up. I've upgraded the RAM to 16GB from 4GB, cleaned out the hard drive, Flashed the BIOS, Run windows update until it stopped saying it had updates to do. It starts up faster, but ask it to run anything and it slows to a crawl. It never uses more than 3GB of RAM and the HD is constantly running at 100% utilisation.
I've tried everything suggested that I can find - but nothing make a difference. He needs this to do his university work, and it should be quite capable of doing so.
Any ideas on how I can get around the RAM issue? I'll welcome any suggestions, even if I've already tried them.
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