Windows 10 32 bit getting BSOD 7F, Stack Overflow win32kfull.sys

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick Hogan (rick)
  • Start date Start date

Rick Hogan (rick)


We have a number of computers here running 32 bit Windows 10 1909. All computers are pretty much identical and run pretty much identical software, etc. One user is frequently experiencing BSODs. We tried swapping his video card, updating drivers, eventually completely swapped his computer with another, etc. We have completely changed all of his hardware, even his monitors, keyboard, mouse, etc. Yet he continues to have problems. We can't figure what he is doing that is any different from anyone else.

The dumps from his crashes are all pretty similar. It's always a Stack Overflow. Here is some info from the dump. Let me know what other info I can provide to help track down the problem.

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.1 X86

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [\\lenovo-lo-win10\c$\Windows\Minidump\092820-12593-01.dmp]

Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: srv*

Executable search path is:

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible

Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS

Built by: 18362.1.x86fre.19h1_release.190318-1202

Machine Name:

Kernel base = 0x83c00000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x83eb87f8

Debug session time: Mon Sep 28 13:49:07.307 2020 (UTC - 5:00)

System Uptime: 2 days 20:45:48.315

Loading Kernel Symbols





Loading User Symbols

Loading unloaded module list


ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

1: kd> !analyze -v


* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *



This means a trap occurred in kernel mode, and it's a trap of a kind

that the kernel isn't allowed to have/catch (bound trap) or that

is always instant death (double fault). The first number in the

bugcheck params is the number of the trap (8 = double fault, etc)

Consult an Intel x86 family manual to learn more about what these

traps are. Here is a *portion* of those codes:

If kv shows a taskGate

use .tss on the part before the colon, then kv.

Else if kv shows a trapframe

use .trap on that value


.trap on the appropriate frame will show where the trap was taken

(on x86, this will be the ebp that goes with the procedure KiTrap)


kb will then show the corrected stack.



Arg2: 85f17400

Arg3: 00000000

Arg4: 00000000

Debugging Details:


*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for cdd.dll

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32kfull.sys

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended


Key : Analysis.CPU.Sec

Value: 4

Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP

Value: Create: 8007007e on LENOVO-RH-WIN10

Key : Analysis.DebugData

Value: CreateObject

Key : Analysis.DebugModel

Value: CreateObject

Key : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec

Value: 7

Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb

Value: 69

Key : Analysis.System

Value: CreateObject



BUGCHECK_P2: ffffffff85f17400



STACK_OVERFLOW: Stack Limit: add25000. Use (kF) and (!stackusage) to investigate stack usage.

STACKUSAGE_IMAGE: The module at base 0xFFFFFFFF9FC30000 was blamed for the stack overflow. It is using 5552 bytes of stack.

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)



PROCESS_NAME: csrss.exe


add250dc 83c77f81 00000000 00000004 00000102 nt!MiGetPageChain+0x2b

add25178 83c74b9c c07288f0 00000000 00000080 nt!MiResolvePrivateZeroFault+0xc1

add251e0 83c765d4 00000000 00000002 add253c4 nt!MiResolveDemandZeroFault+0x18c

add25270 83c74fe8 e511e058 add25340 00000000 nt!MiDispatchFault+0x4e4

add25328 83d80ca3 00000002 e511e058 00000000 nt!MmAccessFault+0x138

add25328 83c5719e 00000002 e511e058 00000000 nt!KiTrap0E+0x2c7

add25498 83c584ba e5119ff0 0100003e 00000000 nt!RtlpHpVsChunkSplit+0x24e

add254d0 83c5c286 00004058 00000000 add25510 nt!RtlpHpVsContextAllocateInternal+0x2aa

add25524 83c5a121 00000000 00000000 00004058 nt!RtlpHpAllocateHeap+0xf6

add25588 83c59ec0 74536d4d 00000000 00000000 nt!ExAllocateHeapPool+0x221

add255b0 83e74ed5 74536d4d 00000001 00000000 nt!ExpAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode+0x40

add255c4 83e9c06c 74536d4d 80000000 add25658 nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode+0x12

add255d4 83f69c82 80000001 00004058 74536d4d nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x2c

add25658 83f568e3 add2575c bf362040 95f7d030 nt!MiCreatePagingFileMap+0x532

add25708 83f99765 0080b000 00000000 00000004 nt!MiCreateSection+0x143

add2576c 83f9a5a5 0080b000 00000000 00000004 nt!MmCreateSectionEx+0xa5

add257b0 92b923d6 e88abeac 00000000 00000000 nt!MmCreateSection+0x4b

add25804 92b95213 e88abdc0 add259c4 add259c4 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CommitGlobalBackingStore+0xfc

add258d0 92b91941 af2672f8 00000000 0080b000 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateOneAllocation+0xfd3

add25928 92b44e2c af2672f8 00000000 0080b000 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateAllocation+0x45

add25970 9212437b af2672f8 d2560ea0 d31e7d70 dxgmms2!VidMmCreateAllocation+0x3e

add259ec 92122b4e add25c70 d2560d10 d2560ea0 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateVidMmAllocations+0x1eb

add25bb8 9211203d add25c70 00000000 00000000 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateAllocation+0xdce

add25da0 92111586 add25df8 add25f78 96a1c010 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateStandardAllocation+0x35d

add26000 9ff76aac 40000000 00000015 00000000 dxgkrnl!DxgkCddCreateAllocation+0x2ec

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

add260c4 9ff7939b 00000000 000007a0 00000438 cdd+0x6aac

add26110 9ff8f249 000007a0 00000438 00000381 cdd+0x939b

add26168 9ff83ebf 000007a0 00000438 96a1d340 cdd+0x1f249

add261c0 9ff749e6 00000794 00000381 add266a4 cdd+0x13ebf

add261f8 9ff7ccee 00000794 00000381 add266a4 cdd+0x49e6

add26220 9ff8373a add266a4 add26454 00000000 cdd+0xccee

add2646c 9ff72901 c707dbb0 00000000 00000000 cdd+0x1373a

add26620 9ff7c43f 00000000 00000000 9f98f588 cdd+0x2901

add26650 9fcc094b e35e9200 c707dbb0 00000000 cdd+0xc43f

add266b8 9fc89eef 9fea1608 c707dbb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x9094b

add26a44 9fc7f931 e35e9200 c707dbb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x59eef

add26a78 9fe308e5 e35e9200 c707dbb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x4f931

add26b68 9fc79ec0 e35e9200 c707ebb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x2008e5

add26e00 9fe55709 e35e9200 c707ebb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x49ec0

add270e0 9fd487ac 00000000 add27688 ceb18d78 win32kfull+0x225709

add2746c 9fcb97b2 00000000 add27688 ceb18d78 win32kfull+0x1187ac

add2752c 9fcb96ef c93965e0 c707ebb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x897b2

add2760c 9fcb92d7 c93965e0 c707ebb0 00000000 win32kfull+0x896ef

add277b0 9fcb48ad add277d8 add277e4 00000004 win32kfull+0x892d7

add2797c 9fc7dcff 00000000 00000794 00000381 win32kfull+0x848ad

add27b44 9fd83522 00000000 00000794 00000381 win32kfull+0x4dcff

add27be0 9fdc2864 00000000 000d04d8 00f3eff0 win32kfull+0x153522

add27c00 83d7ab6b 000d04d8 75011065 00000000 win32kfull+0x192864

add27c00 770816f0 000d04d8 75011065 00000000 nt!KiSystemServicePostCall

00f3f074 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x770816f0

MODULE_NAME: win32kfull

IMAGE_NAME: win32kfull.sys

STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb


OS_VERSION: 10.0.18362.1

BUILDLAB_STR: 19h1_release


OSNAME: Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {9aa49611-ee3e-c3c5-cea6-a9dd3f5d90cb}

Followup: MachineOwner


ReadVirtual: 8081a248 not properly sign extended

1: kd> !stackusage

Stack Usage By Function


Size Count Module

0x0000038C 1 win32kfull

0x0000038C 1 win32kfull

0x000002E0 1 win32kfull

0x00000298 1 win32kfull

0x00000260 1 dxgkrnl!DxgkCddCreateAllocation

0x0000024C 1 cdd

0x000001E8 1 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateStandardAllocation

0x000001CC 1 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateAllocation

0x000001CC 1 win32kfull

0x000001C8 1 win32kfull

0x000001B4 1 cdd

0x000001A4 1 win32kfull

0x00000144 2 nt!MiGetPageChain

0x00000108 1 nt!KiTrap0E

0x000000F0 1 win32kfull

0x000000E0 1 win32kfull

0x000000CC 1 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateOneAllocation

0x000000C4 1 cdd

0x000000C0 1 win32kfull

0x000000B8 1 nt!MmAccessFault

0x000000B0 1 nt!MiCreateSection

0x0000009C 1 nt!MiResolvePrivateZeroFault

0x0000009C 1 win32kfull

0x00000090 1 nt!MiDispatchFault

0x00000084 1 nt!MiCreatePagingFileMap

0x0000007C 1 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateVidMmAllocations

0x00000068 1 nt!RtlpHpVsChunkSplit

0x00000068 1 nt!MiResolveDemandZeroFault

0x00000068 1 win32kfull

0x00000064 1 nt!ExAllocateHeapPool

0x00000064 1 nt!MmCreateSectionEx

0x00000058 1 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateAllocation

0x00000058 1 cdd

0x00000058 1 cdd

0x00000054 1 nt!RtlpHpAllocateHeap

0x00000054 1 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CommitGlobalBackingStore

0x0000004C 1 cdd

0x00000048 1 dxgmms2!VidMmCreateAllocation

0x00000044 1 nt!MmCreateSection

0x00000038 1 nt!RtlpHpVsContextAllocateInternal

0x00000038 1 cdd

0x00000034 1 win32kfull

0x00000030 1 cdd

0x00000028 1 nt!ExpAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode

0x00000028 1 cdd

0x00000020 1 win32kfull

0x00000014 1 nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode

0x00000010 1 nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag

Total Size: 0x00002C68

Stack Usage By Module


Size Count Module

0x000015B0 14 win32kfull

0x00000818 18 nt

0x00000690 4 dxgkrnl

0x00000650 9 cdd

0x000001C0 4 dxgmms2

Total Size: 0x00002C68

1: kd> kF

# Memory ChildEBP RetAddr

00 add250dc 83c77f81 nt!MiGetPageChain+0x2b

01 9c add25178 83c74b9c nt!MiResolvePrivateZeroFault+0xc1

02 68 add251e0 83c765d4 nt!MiResolveDemandZeroFault+0x18c

03 90 add25270 83c74fe8 nt!MiDispatchFault+0x4e4

04 b8 add25328 83d80ca3 nt!MmAccessFault+0x138

05 0 add25328 83c5719e nt!KiTrap0E+0x2c7

06 170 add25498 83c584ba nt!RtlpHpVsChunkSplit+0x24e

07 38 add254d0 83c5c286 nt!RtlpHpVsContextAllocateInternal+0x2aa

08 54 add25524 83c5a121 nt!RtlpHpAllocateHeap+0xf6

09 64 add25588 83c59ec0 nt!ExAllocateHeapPool+0x221

0a 28 add255b0 83e74ed5 nt!ExpAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode+0x40

0b 14 add255c4 83e9c06c nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTagFromNode+0x12

0c 10 add255d4 83f69c82 nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x2c

0d 84 add25658 83f568e3 nt!MiCreatePagingFileMap+0x532

0e b0 add25708 83f99765 nt!MiCreateSection+0x143

0f 64 add2576c 83f9a5a5 nt!MmCreateSectionEx+0xa5

10 44 add257b0 92b923d6 nt!MmCreateSection+0x4b

11 54 add25804 92b95213 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CommitGlobalBackingStore+0xfc

12 cc add258d0 92b91941 dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateOneAllocation+0xfd3

13 58 add25928 92b44e2c dxgmms2!VIDMM_GLOBAL::CreateAllocation+0x45

14 48 add25970 9212437b dxgmms2!VidMmCreateAllocation+0x3e

15 7c add259ec 92122b4e dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateVidMmAllocations+0x1eb

16 1cc add25bb8 9211203d dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateAllocation+0xdce

17 1e8 add25da0 92111586 dxgkrnl!DXGDEVICE::CreateStandardAllocation+0x35d

18 260 add26000 9ff76aac dxgkrnl!DxgkCddCreateAllocation+0x2ec

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

19 c4 add260c4 9ff7939b cdd+0x6aac

1a 4c add26110 9ff8f249 cdd+0x939b

1b 58 add26168 9ff83ebf cdd+0x1f249

1c 58 add261c0 9ff749e6 cdd+0x13ebf

1d 38 add261f8 9ff7ccee cdd+0x49e6

1e 28 add26220 9ff8373a cdd+0xccee

1f 24c add2646c 9ff72901 cdd+0x1373a

20 1b4 add26620 9ff7c43f cdd+0x2901

21 30 add26650 9fcc094b cdd+0xc43f

22 68 add266b8 9fc89eef win32kfull+0x9094b

23 38c add26a44 9fc7f931 win32kfull+0x59eef

24 34 add26a78 9fe308e5 win32kfull+0x4f931

25 f0 add26b68 9fc79ec0 win32kfull+0x2008e5

26 298 add26e00 9fe55709 win32kfull+0x49ec0

27 2e0 add270e0 9fd487ac win32kfull+0x225709

28 38c add2746c 9fcb97b2 win32kfull+0x1187ac

29 c0 add2752c 9fcb96ef win32kfull+0x897b2

2a e0 add2760c 9fcb92d7 win32kfull+0x896ef

2b 1a4 add277b0 9fcb48ad win32kfull+0x892d7

2c 1cc add2797c 9fc7dcff win32kfull+0x848ad

2d 1c8 add27b44 9fd83522 win32kfull+0x4dcff

2e 9c add27be0 9fdc2864 win32kfull+0x153522

2f 20 add27c00 83d7ab6b win32kfull+0x192864

30 0 add27c00 770816f0 nt!KiSystemServicePostCall

31 00f3f074 00000000 0x770816f0

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