Win32 API Bluetooth BLE connection toggling

  • Thread starter Thread starter JohnGotal
  • Start date Start date


We developed extension for a large Win32 API-based code project to support a Silicon Labs BGM111 Bluetooth BLE SoC physiologic acquisition device. After 6 months of development it performs well but the BLE 4.2 connection process into the Win32 app is erratic. Watching the "Bluetooth & other devices" UI tool is erratic and confounding. The little battery-operated server device never fails to securely connect to the Win32 PC client but the UI display on the PC may cycle between simply being "Paired" and "Connected" a random number of times (once, twice, three or four times) before finally permanently establishing the secure link as long as ten seconds after initiated the connection request.

Can anybody suggest why the "Connected" state drops out and re-establishes itself multiple times over the course of milliseconds up to ten seconds? It never fails to connect but the waiting is erratic and intolerable. The devices are only a foot or two apart. Signal strength is excellent. There are no other nearby WiFi or Bluetooth radios. The advertising and connection settings for the SoC BLE device are all reasonable but I have no idea what Microsoft recommends to support the Laird BT820-02 USB Bluetooth radio dongle. Where can I get Bluetooth BLE developer data for Microsoft apps? Furthermore, this is all coded Win32 API on the PC client side and Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio 4 on the EFR32BG1 aka BGM111 firmware side. I understand all Bluetooth configuration is maintained more-or-less real-time in the registry through the supporting Bluetooth services but they are typically on one-second timers, if I understand correctly. Can anybody point me to Microsoft references that might help me understand what is going on behind the scenes?

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