Wifi Adapter "Identifying" or "Unidentified Network" or "Doesn't have a valid IP Configuration" or Automatically Disables Itself

Windows Server

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Hello, I have had this problem since the most recent update. I have tried everything I can find to fix this problem, I have turned off the power saving options, changed ports, updated windows, reverted the update, uninstalled and updated drivers on both the netgear A7000 I have and my board. I have also tried all of the following:ipconfig /release [Enter]ipconfig /renew [Enter]ipconfig /flushdns [Enter]Netsh winsock reset [Enter]net localgroup administrators localservice /add [Enter]fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\ [Enter]netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt [Enter]netsh winsock reset all

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