Why Does Edge Constantly Freeze in Windows 11 - Is it an Error with the User Folder?

Microsoft Windows

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
I bought a new computer 2 weeks ago and I have 2 issues. I have no idea if one has to do with the other, but I will ask, and you can tell me what you think.1. I let an electronics store transfer what data they could save from my Windows 10 PC. I changed the user settings so that it says my name at start up but when I go into File Explorer, my main path is: C:\Users\Owner instead of C:\Users\myname\ It says myname in User Accounts, (I am Admin) Home and when I do %userprofile% so I called the store (coincidently, I used to work for them as a sales consultant) and I asked why it said Owner and t

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