Why did Windows 11 update 14th and 17th with my computer on HOLD on windows updates. When I tried to revert - i get a bluescreen loop...

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
I had my windows system on hold on windows update. Despite that - windows update did update and restarted my computer. It causing lot of crashes on my computer, i did try to update drivers, bios, lates windows udate, i now try to revert to a system restore. That gives me only bluesreen loop.Windows 24H2 Pro... This is so full of ****, why would you update my system despite I put on on hold 3 weeks ago - still have 2 weeks left until it should update 5th of november...You voilalated my rights and now you crapped my computer, so i prob have to reinstall everything...Doesnt it matter if a user pu

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