When is MS going to issue a fix for Windows 11, version 24H2 "Downgrade" Defiantly not an upgrqde

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Windows 11, version 24H2 upgrade is a POS. fix IT. I just spent 8 hours reverting back to the "UPDATE" before it. I could not even View the devices in my Network or run restore from the backups from either of two backup programs, I make biweekly. Could not even connect to my NAS which has a monthly CLONE ISO. MS Auto update is now SHUT OFF PERMENATLY. Over forty years of using MS windows and this is the worst Update they have ever released. The only Viruses/intrusions I have ever had on any of my PCs is from my grandsons downloading MP3's 30 years ago.

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