Well well well. system was FINE after hard work recovering from last update, and now AGAIN update causing ''no input/ouput found'' (discussive questio

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wotif ock

2997e69f-64a9-420a-bd85-7659a01c17e0?upload=true.pngWell, after such HARD HARD WORK fixing or otherwise getting audio back, that's another update RUINED my setup up.
What is it with Windows? (apart from ther fact you CANNOT create an effective system with contract workers!
(why do you think you rarely get these issues with linux-like systems outwith beta versions? which you can update EVERY day SAFELY. But I need to get Windows Working, and want to help be part of the solution as so many of us NEED it for work ''apps'' which aren't made for the those with smaller market shares like the linux-like systems.
maybe time for Windows contracting bodies to start to look hard at why those systems are less breakable and take note to DO it likewise in an effective windows fashion? Rather than cosmetic things like appearing to boot-up from powering machine on until desktop is REALLY running, when in fact the REAL start-up is STILL running only just in background, hence spinning wheels as the system tries to catch up with the apparence of being desktop ready (we know this as start won't work yet even though it LOOKS as though desktop has fired up, and on task bar too, it is useless for many seconds sometiems minutes (no no vurises or bad settings.. this is common Windows epxericne! Not good guys!... For folk like me who have to use it a lot, it is so see through, and with errors bugs and issues which will not go away as cumulative updates in this case ONLY seem to be patches upon patches upon patches upon a, sadly, inneffective setup? A wholesale from-scratch build SURELY is called for? And contractors? YOU'll never get the love put into it that you get from the coders of the above mentioned systems and i hate sounding as if i am blowing smokes up those systems butts, but rather trying to merely illustrate that this is dumb. It isn't working! Much of them are built by teams of volunteers who do it for love, so their full tiem workers are picked from among those. Very much more effective and open way to get it done correctly, and NOTHING is hidden from anyone... not as Windows has gotten in the bad habbit of doing, or we would have answers for all of the complaints which never get answere, and folk are so used to this ''professionalism'' or software/coder ''vow of secrecy''... We are trying to enter into a new way of working with this planet guys! SURELY? Transparency IS needed. SO many folk out here COULD help... or at least be taken seriously and listened to

RIGHT... luckily my phone ther hasn't began randomly booting me off tether again. But looks though it's back into Bios to see if that HDD S.M.A.R.T. capabilities WHICH appeared to fix it last time and audio crackles (hard to tell sometiems whether you found a fix, or the apparent ''fix'' just co-incided, as semed to happen when i was advised to disable fast startup, which for me casued the issue i was having but even worse , though APPEARING to work for others with regards audio crackling... But so many things go wrong, i cannot always tell what has actually helped, and what simply coincided with what.

So will try the BIOS setup HDD S.M.A.R.T. capabilities once more and see if it really was a fix...
BUT was definatelty worth telling you, after a few restarts for various reasons yesterday with no ill effect, that my accepting this mornings update (when the current update after it seemed to same audio mess (and never helped my tether issue either, and perhaps worsened it, before it started givng me AWFUL audio crackling thereby handicapping ANY chance of quality work to hand in.) and back to square one minus the tether issue (so far) thank goodness. (incidentally, there is STILL crackliong there yet, but not quite so pronounced, so not as yet fully resolved. But may never find out with windows 10 not finding drivers it KNOWS via device manager ARE THERE AND ARE UP TO DATE (having had audio issues with windows 10, mainly after updates etc etc etc for .. well sicne it's inception really, have followed so many ''fixes'' and advice and on and on and on, so YES I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING in power options, and on and on and on.... (too afraid to disabled fast startup after that last disaster as it/.... well.. wasn't good for me anyhow.

So just letting everyone know, and ASKING when will these constalty repeating on what appears to be every to every other update (if it isn't that causing it, then question still stands) Why are these things still issues for thousands and thousands of people after how many years of Win 10?

I really have a stake in wanting this to all work guys! for you, for me, for all of us....PLEASE PLEASE HELP! or i'll never get work done properly again till i build a new PC particular to music prod.

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