Palo Misik _
While compiling drivers with CL.exe switch /w35032 compiler reports
shared\ntddvol.h(29,17): warning C5032: detected #pragma warning(push) with no corresponding #pragma warning(pop)
shared\ntddvol.h(1067,18): warning C5032: detected #pragma warning(push) with no corresponding #pragma warning(pop)
It seem problem is in shared\ntddvol.h where after definition of typedef struct _CSV_CACHE_CALLBACK_V3_OUTPUT on line 1089 is
#pragma warning( push )
But there should be
#pragma warning( pop )
Could you fix it within next release of WDK?
Thank you.
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shared\ntddvol.h(29,17): warning C5032: detected #pragma warning(push) with no corresponding #pragma warning(pop)
shared\ntddvol.h(1067,18): warning C5032: detected #pragma warning(push) with no corresponding #pragma warning(pop)
It seem problem is in shared\ntddvol.h where after definition of typedef struct _CSV_CACHE_CALLBACK_V3_OUTPUT on line 1089 is
#pragma warning( push )
But there should be
#pragma warning( pop )
Could you fix it within next release of WDK?
Thank you.
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