VS Code uninstalled after 24H2 update.

Microsoft Windows

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Hi! Today I update my work PC with the 24H2 update of windows. After the installation I realized that Visual Studio Code disappeared without any sign of life. A sudden uninstallation of the program. So, I had to download install it again, with all the extensions and configurations restored.These are my specs:Edición Windows 11 Home Single Language Versión 24H2 Se instaló el ‎12/‎12/‎2024 Compilación del SO 26100.2605 Experiencia Paquete de experiencia de características de Windows 1000.26100.36.0 Procesador 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11370H @ 3.30GHz 3.00 GHz RAM instalada 16.0 GB (15.7 G

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