Dirk Bruere at NeoPax typed:
> On 01/03/2010 21:11, Greg Russell wrote:
>> In,
>> Dirk Bruere at NeoPax typed:
>>>>> I need to do a VNC connection to a computer on the LAN.
>>>>> It seems that VNC progs need an IP address.
>>>>> Is there any way to do the connection using the name of the
>>>>> computer?
>>>> Your DNS will resolve a name to the needed IP address if you have
>>>> those relationships stated in
>>>> C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
>>>> e.g.:
>>>> ...
>>>> machine1
>>>> machine7
>>>> ...
>>>> This works if the machines have staticly-assigned IP addresses ...
>>>> if they're using DHCP then the problem has a different solution,
>>>> albeit a more complicated one.
>>> DHCP - if the addresses were static there would still be a problem
>>> in using the IP number.
>>> I need something that the user can just type a name into eg "The
>>> Cooker" (to give a domestic embedded example). Having a domestic
>>> user typing in "" is a no-no
>> I gave you the solution above ... e.g. "ping machine1" will resolve
>> that name to the necessary IP address and complete the command. It's
>> no different with VNC, telnet, or any other command ... your DNS
>> needs to resolve the name to an address, and for a LAN, the "hosts"
>> file is how it's done.
>> If you won't follow simple directions then don't ask for help.
> Maybe you don't understand what I am asking.
> I want a prog that will remotely view the desktop of a machine on the
> LAN. The sole action of the user is to be the entry of the name of the
> machine into the program. No pulling up run command and doing ping and
> then copying etc. Single action.
I understand perfectly what you're asking. You want a VNC connection without
entering an IP address, only a machine name, e.g. "vncviewer machine1".
I've provided the simplest instructions for doing so that even a moron could
understand. You won't be able to achive what you want without following the
Good luck, and good-bye ... you sound completely hopeless.