Unable to package Office 365 Pro using Office Deployment Tool

  • Thread starter Thread starter shivapersad_tt
  • Start date Start date


Good day,

I have been attempting to package an installation of Office 365 Pro Plus using the Office Deployment Tool

My configuration.xml file is as follows:


<Add SourcePath="\\ratchet\office\O365" OfficeClientEdition="32" >
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-us" />

<Updates Enabled="FALSE" UpdatePath="\\ratchet\office\O365" />

<Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

<Logging Name="logs.txt" Path="\\ratchet\office\logs" />

<Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />


My log file displays the following:

Timestamp Process TID Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
07/10/2015 10:56:46.327 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amaxp Medium BaseConfigure::TryGetConfiguration: EULA's have been accepted.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.337 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh8u Medium PackageOffice::HandleStateAction: Packaged Office bits.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.337 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh9i Medium TryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: v32.cab
07/10/2015 10:56:46.385 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amecw Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Available value from descriptor: 15.0.4727.1003
07/10/2015 10:56:46.385 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amecx Medium Descriptor::Load: Prereq Node exists. Being parsing it.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.385 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amecy Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Bootstrapper value from descriptor: 15.0
07/10/2015 10:56:46.385 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amax8 Medium TryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Descriptor contains Prereqs. Run them now.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run anwwb Medium IsNativeValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run an8w1 Medium O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Validator has version descriptor
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run an8w2 Medium O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Currently installed version: 15.0.4727.1003
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run an8w4 Medium O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Current build is newer than Beta build. Prereq check passes.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry an8xa Medium O15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.389 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwg Medium SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Has preexisting 32bit C2R Client.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.393 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwn Medium SXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Cross bitness test passed.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.393 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwp Medium BootstrapperValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.394 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ambtx Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: C2R service is running.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.395 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run an8wz Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Client located here C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe is version 15.0.4727.1001
07/10/2015 10:56:46.395 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ap2j2 Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Current client version is located here C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe
07/10/2015 10:56:46.395 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ambt0 Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Current client version is version 15.0.4727.1001 available is 15.0.4727.1003
07/10/2015 10:56:46.395 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ap2j3 Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Comparison result: -2
07/10/2015 10:56:46.395 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry ap2j4 Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: Version of client too low to install with: Have: 15.0.4727.1001 Need: 15.0.4727.1003
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry an8w0 Medium ClientValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 0.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run anhmp Medium Prereq::ShowPrereqFailure: A Prereq check has failed. Client update needed. We are sorry, but we could not complete the installation. Please try again later. http://officeredir.microsoft.com/r/rlidC2RErrorToAsset?scenario=ClickToRun&errorCode=9&ErrorSource=BOOTSTRAPPER_PREREQ&exceptionType=clientVersion&lang=en-us&crc32=0
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7t Medium Prereq::PrereqsFailed returned 1
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry aoh88 Medium RunPrereqs::HandleStateAction Prereq check has failed.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry aoh9d Medium HandlePrereqFailure::HandleStateAction: Need to update the client.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.401 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ap2j6 Medium TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: No config file. Using default values for parameters.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.402 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run ambt2 Medium TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: C2R service is running.
07/10/2015 10:56:46.402 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amayg Medium TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: Found OfficeClickToRun.exe
07/10/2015 10:56:46.402 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh9t Medium TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=CLIENTUPDATE acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/39168D7E-077B-48E7-872C-B232C3E72675" productreleaseid="none" culture="en-us" baseurl="\\ratchet\office\O365" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatebaseurl="\\ratchet\office\O365" updatesenabled="False" autoUpgrade="True" autoactivate="1" version="15.0.4727.1003" productstoadd="O365ProPlusRetail_en-us_x-none"
07/10/2015 10:56:48.349 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7s Monitorable TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client Install Process returned code 0
07/10/2015 10:56:48.349 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh9n Medium TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Installation path is: C:\Users\SPERSAD\Microsoft Office 15
07/10/2015 10:56:48.349 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amaya Medium TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Looking for existing client.
07/10/2015 10:56:48.349 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amayd Medium TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Did not find an existing client. Downloading a new one.
07/10/2015 10:56:48.349 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aon8l Medium TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: i641033.cab
07/10/2015 10:56:49.995 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry amawv Medium MonitoredScope::ExecuteUnderStopWatch: TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab. Approximate duration: 1654 milliseconds.
07/10/2015 10:56:49.995 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run amaye Medium TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Found C2R Client in extracted cab.
07/10/2015 10:56:49.995 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh9t Medium TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: /admin scenario=unknown acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/39168D7E-077B-48E7-872C-B232C3E72675" productreleaseid="none" culture="en-us" baseurl="\\ratchet\office\O365" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatebaseurl="\\ratchet\office\O365" updatesenabled="False" autoUpgrade="True" autoactivate="1" version="15.0.4727.1003" productstoadd="O365ProPlusRetail_en-us_x-none" trackedduration=1654 outputpath="c:\office_deploy"
07/10/2015 11:07:08.675 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7s Monitorable TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client Install Process returned code 0
07/10/2015 11:07:08.675 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run aoh72 Medium ExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0
07/10/2015 11:07:08.675 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Click-To-Run Telemetry aoh9z Medium AdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 0.
07/10/2015 11:07:08.691 SETUP (0x1394) 0x73c Logging Liblet aqc99 Medium Logging liblet uninitializing.

I am seeing that there is a mismatch between the Click to Run installer installed on my machine and the one being requested by the installer. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks.

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