How can anyone visiting here for the first time have *any* idea that they
will receive good ........ or bad .......... advice?
I thought at first that the TechNet Communities must be monitored by
Microsoft staff and therefore be relatively safe. I'm still not sure about
that. Having come here (for ease of use, on someone's advice) it appears
that *no* such protection applies and that it really is a 'free-for-all' and
is, quite likely, a dangerous place to visit.
This may not have always been so - and I do wish to stress that I HAVE
received some excellent and helpful advice, much of which has enabled me to
help myself more and better understand my PC and its' software. I have also
learnt a great deal about 'malware' and how to deal with it.
PCButts1 - some while ago now - explained to me how effective it is to run
HiJackThis and then copy and paste a specific entry directly into Google.
Here's an example - O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe"
Try it for yourself. I got 66,800 responses which can be reviewed at
leisure. <g>
What I have NOT found is other people who are trying to find out who
*perpetrates* the 'malware' in the first place - no-one seems to care. I do!
So, in spite of comments like that of 'Fitz' elsewhere on this group, and also having been
'warned-off'' having contact with PCButts1 by Kerry Brown and David H
Lipman, I'm grateful for PCB's help. Perhaps he's one of the good guys after
all, but only experience here will tell. I'm glad I'm not a newbie any more!
will receive good ........ or bad .......... advice?
I thought at first that the TechNet Communities must be monitored by
Microsoft staff and therefore be relatively safe. I'm still not sure about
that. Having come here (for ease of use, on someone's advice) it appears
that *no* such protection applies and that it really is a 'free-for-all' and
is, quite likely, a dangerous place to visit.
This may not have always been so - and I do wish to stress that I HAVE
received some excellent and helpful advice, much of which has enabled me to
help myself more and better understand my PC and its' software. I have also
learnt a great deal about 'malware' and how to deal with it.
PCButts1 - some while ago now - explained to me how effective it is to run
HiJackThis and then copy and paste a specific entry directly into Google.
Here's an example - O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe"
Try it for yourself. I got 66,800 responses which can be reviewed at
leisure. <g>
What I have NOT found is other people who are trying to find out who
*perpetrates* the 'malware' in the first place - no-one seems to care. I do!
So, in spite of comments like that of 'Fitz' elsewhere on this group, and also having been
'warned-off'' having contact with PCButts1 by Kerry Brown and David H
Lipman, I'm grateful for PCB's help. Perhaps he's one of the good guys after
all, but only experience here will tell. I'm glad I'm not a newbie any more!