It seems I allowed myself to be scammed by someone claiming to be from Microsoft. While starting up my laptop a message came stating my unit was locked and do not turn off the computer without calling the support number provided. Stupid me, I called. One thing led to another and after allowing them to do a scan they stated it seemed a purchase for 6500.00 had been placed on one of my credit cards. Here is where it gets even better. I was asked for the customer service number which they said they were calling and a representative (supposedly) from the card company confirmed a purchase had been made. I was informed I would need to quickly, within three hours transfer money from my charge card to what they called a secured gift card from one of the major retailer. Then they would place that money from the gift card into their secured account. The purpose was when the stated fraudulent purchase was received by the card company it would be declined. Once this happened, since they were working with the card company, they could then transfer the funds they received from me, by way of gift cards, back to a newly issued card from the credit card company. Please understand while a little leery I was given assurances that all was proper, even ID numbers for both individuals for future communications. Of course you can guess this did not turn out well. Immediately after being told that every was corrected by the supposedly Microsoft rep. I called my card company myself to confirm. Boy was I shocked and now mad to find out they were not part of the process and had no knowledge of their supposed rep. I called back to the Microsoft number and there was no knowledge of their supposed rep either. I alerted both my credit card company and Microsoft that I believed I had allowed myself to be ripped off. I even called the gift card company and they informed me that unfortunately it seemed the card had already been used to make purchases. My credit card company stated they would investigate, but I am not feeling good about the return of the funds, and now being stuck with a 6500.00 charge. I realize it is my stupidity that caused this to happen. Just wondering if I have any other options. I also pray no one else falls for this. Any reply would be appreciated.
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