I have to get this off of my chest. I sincerely hope that one of the movers and shakers with Microsoft reads this and rationally considers what some customers would like to see. Microsoft pioneered 2in1 devices with its Surface line. The choice of having a tablet and a laptop is highly desirable to some of us and the world is getting more and more mobile. That said, I cannot see the logic in the upcoming changes to Tablet Mode. From what I read, it will either completely go away, or be altered to be more like Desktop Mode. The Surface Pro and Surface Go beg for MORE of a tablet mode instead of less. I'll be the first to say that Tablet Mode needs improvements, but this seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and stepping backwards instead of going forward. It makes one wonder whether the Surface 2in1's will even exist in the future MS vision.
Microsoft already had the perfect tablet mode in Window 10 Mobile. I have been using a Windows 10 phone as a mini tablet for several years and really like the Windows 10 Mobile UI, especially for checking the weather, emails, messages and news. This is the finest mobile UI ever developed IMHO. It makes the most efficient (and pleasing) use of screen real estate. I have often thought how nice this UI would be on a larger screen with a Task Bar and Search box added. I believe that a Desktop mode and true Tablet mode can co-exist in the same Windows 10 OS. I was hoping that MS would move more in this direction when "improving" Tablet Mode.
Alas, what I am seeing is what I've come to expect from MS in the last ten years or so. Superb vision, good to excellent development, poor follow through, and quick to abandon excellent concepts. These are My opinions based on My observations and, while I can't quantify the customer base who shares my opinions, I would love to hear from others. If you share some of my views, please chime in. Thanks,
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Microsoft already had the perfect tablet mode in Window 10 Mobile. I have been using a Windows 10 phone as a mini tablet for several years and really like the Windows 10 Mobile UI, especially for checking the weather, emails, messages and news. This is the finest mobile UI ever developed IMHO. It makes the most efficient (and pleasing) use of screen real estate. I have often thought how nice this UI would be on a larger screen with a Task Bar and Search box added. I believe that a Desktop mode and true Tablet mode can co-exist in the same Windows 10 OS. I was hoping that MS would move more in this direction when "improving" Tablet Mode.
Alas, what I am seeing is what I've come to expect from MS in the last ten years or so. Superb vision, good to excellent development, poor follow through, and quick to abandon excellent concepts. These are My opinions based on My observations and, while I can't quantify the customer base who shares my opinions, I would love to hear from others. If you share some of my views, please chime in. Thanks,
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