Surface Pro 11th gen Sleep mode doesnt work as intended

Microsoft Windows

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
My Surface Pro 11th Gen 2024 snapdragon x plus Device on the latest update keeps shutting down when I close the lid even though it is set to sleep mode when closing the lid.i already tried and verified the following but it still isnt working as it should even though its all set to sleep.:1. Open the following key in the regeditHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347\5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936and set `Attributes` to 2 to be sure `Power buttons and lid` is shown in the `Advanced Power Settings` dialog (search for `edi

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