patti wrote:
> I am dealing with sub-folder with sub-folder on down. The folders i
> want to use can be 10 or eleven levels down. nd many have long
> names.
> Can this cause any problems? I have had issues with excel and
> deep-down sub-folders.
After a given path/filename length - it can cause issues.
Whty do you want to do something 10 or 11 folders deep?
Do you put a folder inside a folder that is inside a folder that is inside
another folder that is also inside another folder that happens to already be
inside yet another folder that is, yet again, inside a folder that happens
to also be inside a folder that is also inside a folder that is already
inside a folder which is also inside a folder that is inside a folder that
is inside a filing cabinet drawer when putting up your printed physcal
Or do you usually have a section of the filing cabinet set aside for certain
folders, another for nother type, etc?
I would suspect that in a physical filing cabinet, things rarely go beyond:
Filing Cabinet --> Filing Cabinet Drawer --> Section of Cabinet Drawer -->
Shenan Stanley
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