Storage filling up and emptying by itself without a clear cause

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mateo Vargas
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Mateo Vargas


Yesterday i got a pop up on windows alerting me of my C drive running out of space, this surprised me as i don't use that drive for anything but windows and a few apps, Kaspersky, Adobe Creative Cloud (the programs themselves are installed on my other drives and so is the scratch disk location), League of Legends, my graphics card driver (Zotac - nvidia Geforce 1080) and Windows Office. Regardless it has been filled with small extensions of my other programs that i suppose require to be installed on the OS drive, Ituneshelper, bonjour, winrar, logitech(my mouse and keyboard) intel and realtek drivers etc... this didn't really bother me as they are mostly small files and my drive is an SSD NVme with 512 Gb (475 useable) and on a normal day no more than 200Gb would be occupied.

So imagine my surprise when i open windows explorer to double check the accuracy of the space alert pop up and i find that i have no space left whatsoever on my C drive, i open disk cleanup and i see an option to compress my OS claiming that it would free up to 108 Gb, i press ok, it claims to work on it and a few minutes later it dissapears without changing anything with the excpetion of maybe 30 mb now free on my drive, i think to myself that perhaps a new automatic update from microsoft may be bugged or giving misreading (i dont really trust windows explorer to give accurate readings on the status of my pc) i decide to shut it off, as it was late and hoped for it to be resolved in the morning.

Today i woke up, turned my pc on, started watching Netflix through the app, opened Google Chrome to search a question i had and suddenly windows explorer crashes, chrome closes and my wallpaper goes to black, explorer restarts itself, chrome won't relaunch and the icon was even removed from my pin taskbar, i see that again i have no memory left on my C drive, i imagine it may be my lack of diligence cleaning up temporary files and that perhaps one of my programs got updated and failed to delete them after use and i may have just a pile up of files somewhere.

I restart my PC, i now have 11gb free, i open chrome (my prefered browser) download CCleaner as i've had good experiences with in the past, install it, i check my windows explorer and my C drive now has 79Gb free, i suppose it could be a misread, run CCleaner regardless, it tells me it only freed 70 mb i close it, and start watching netflix thinking that it may just be a mix of information and maybe there is something happening on the background processes and although 79Gb is low maybe there is an automatic update being download and that's what causing the issue, i check several minutes later and i notice the free space is going down at a slightly alarming rate, i can understand a fluctuation of 2 gbs at most with all the streaming and whatnot but it went from 70 Gb to 50 Gb in a matter of hours, and i find hard to believe this to be "normal behaviour".

I am currently running my antivirus just in case it may be something like that although i find it hard to believe as my antivirus would've detected something like this (hopefully) and i haven't downloaded anything from anywhere in at least a month (beyond a standard game download through Steam and updates for previously existing programs or games) i also just noticed the 1903 update and will try installing it as soon as my antivirus finishes the full scan.

I took screenshots at different times to illustrate the process: Here is the Imgur Album with the Screenshots, I haven't downloaded anything or inserted USB sticks, Disk cleanup has been useless, i still get the option to compress OS for 108 gb but does absolutely nothing.

I am down to 14Gb as i write this and would appreciate any input anyone may have on this issue as i'm running out of ideas about what to do.


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