Paula Morrison
I dont know if this is the appropriate platform on which to ask but I have gone all around the houses to try and find the right answer to this and desperately hoping someone can help. This is the query:SELECT EntityView.LogicalName, CASE WHEN Audit.Operation = 1 THEN 'Create' WHEN Audit.Operation = 2 THEN 'Update' WHEN Audit.Operation = 3 THEN 'Delete' WHEN Audit.Operation = 4 THEN 'Access' END AS Action, FORMAT(DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), Audit.CreatedOn), 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm') AS AuditCreated, Filteredrqia_registeredperson.rqia_registeredpersonidnumber AS RegisteredPerso
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