Soft-Lock/Hanging? Processor Stops Processing But Computer Keeps Running? System "Crash" But Desktop Still On?

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I dont even know what to properly call this situation.

TL;DR: Newly built Computer does this weird thing that is not quite a Soft or a Hard lock. Computer stays running, windows and popups respond but nothing actually happens. Browser can be used but videos will not work and certain buttons do not respond. Task Manager will appear but nothing is moving and no data is being fed into it. Closed windows and programs leave behind an empty "Indent" on task bar. Some menu's graphics stay on-screen after clicking away, graphical artifacts in general. Start Menu opens up but nothing works including any shutdown options. No logs or events in Event Viewer under any listing except for the three listed below. CTRL+ALT+DEL does nothing. Restart button on tower works normally and computer works fine after physical restart.

Possible Suspected Causes: there have been no similarities between any of the three times this has happened save for how it behaves: the first two were during intense software usage (Gaming and Benchmarking/stress testing) and the third was just base desktop usage and youtube. The first two bring up an Event 1001's, while the third does not, that I originally assumed lead to the 41 and 6008. Nothing else gleaned from any logs or events unless I'm looking at this:

Fault bucket type 5

Event Name: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64

Response: Not available

Cab Id: 0

. . . Which was referenced under the 1001 Entries in the details, and each one points to a program I was using either during or right before: one was Wow.exe (world of Warcraft) and the other was Cinebench.exe (Cinebench being a CPU stress testing software), both of those popping up at the time the respective Event 6008's say the "Unexpected Shutdown" took place in the first two incidents. Meaning, to me, that they somehow lead to a chain of events that "crashed" the system. I put "Crashed" in quotations because this is the first time I've ever encountered a system "Crash" that didn't actually shut the system down. The third, as mentioned, did not give me a 1001, and so I have absolutely no idea what could have caused it other than some potential hardware problem.

So, originally I was thinking it could be my processor; the 1001 told me it was potentially a program, and the Type 5 Fault Bucket RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 says it was something that "appeared to be a potential uncontrolled resource drain", on top of the fact the 6008's indicate that something, most likely, has told the system from within to shut down for some reason. Maybe a fail-safe of some kind? It doesn't give me the source of this though, it's very vague, only containing 0's in most of the entries. However with the third incident it gave me no 1001 and nothing stressful was running. In fact the load on the CPU was under 5% most of the time, and it was very warm for almost being idle. I'm wondering if it's related to this.

Ran Windows Memory Diagnostics and it didn't find anything, but as with most memory tests that doesn't always mean anything, though really I have no idea if it could be RAM at this point either. Ran extensive tests on all of my hard drives just a few days ago, not that I'd expect anything amiss with those anyway unless there's some weird thing I dont know about that can happen with a potentially faulty M2 Drive. And even if it was, no corrupted files were found in other scans I did tonight.

Everything is still within return date (Since I got the stuff a couple weeks ago and the return dates for the holiday season are Jan 31st) so getting replacements is not an issue, it's just finding what exactly the problem is if it is in fact hardware related, which I suspect it is. I have gotten no feedback elsewhere about this yet and I really dont want to have to get replacements for every single one of these parts in a desperate bid to fix this.

Specs: Windows 10, Fully Updated

Ryzen 7 3700XMSI B550 Tomahawk

G.Skill Ripjaws 32 Gig DDR4 RAM

GTX 970 (Waiting for EVGA to tell me I can buy a 3070)

SeaSonic PX-850 Power Supply

(I do not believe there are any inconsistencies with this combination of hardware and most of them seem to have good reviews everywhere)

Exposition: So I made a new computer a week or so ago to replace my 6-year-old one and I am still getting it broken in.

Last two days I've had off so I have just been running some more niche things to get it updated and working like the last one. Saturday I gave up trying to force the Microsoft Store to stop giving me the 0x80073CF9 error and let me download ForzaH4 (which is an entire other issue) and started up some World of Warcraft to see how it ran with my old 970 thrown in. Ran perfectly fine for many hours and I ran all sorts of other stuff while playing it to give it a decent test on a new bigger monitor. Checked all the temps and voltages, nothing out of the ordinary and everything moved smoothly for several hours.

Tabbed out and walked away after about 5 hours for a while to get some food, left game and a couple dozen or so Firefox tabs open. Came back an hour later and game screen looked frozen. Thought "Probably just glitched because it auto-logged out". Made it the active window, nothing happened. No response to anything, program frozen but no popups or warnings. It closed down after I clicked the X but it left a hollow "Space" on the task bar. Tried clicking some browser windows to scroll around and nothing was happening. I could close tabs and even make new ones but the windows did nothing. Videos did not play on Youtube: they would load but would only move forward a frame or two when I clicked play.

I tried bringing up Task Manager and the Event Viewer and, while the menus popped up and responded to clicks, nothing actually happened. The Taskbar menu was stuck on-screen. I tried clicking on other windows that were minimized and nothing happened. It would make the graphical "flash" like it was recognizing my click but nothing was responding. Start Menu would open and I could click through the Menu's but again, nothing happened. Tried shutting it down, nothing.

Eventually I was done being angry so I hit the reset button on the case. Computer booted right back up immediately and there were no more issues the rest of the night, even running WoW for several more hours.

Sunday I intended to start it up, change a few settings in the BIOS (I switched off the MSI Gameboost for the CPU, since I had heard a few not-good things about the setting, and turned on the DDR4 Profile for RAM clocking) and run a few benchmarks and stress tests just to see if there was any problems with general system instability and (potentially) recreate the problem while I'm sitting there, though I was hoping it was a one-off incident. Aside from more Firefox with a bunch of tabs, videos, some music and WoW again, I ran Cinebench and the software to see how it held up under a bit more pressure (I closed WoW down before the dedicated programs). Ran perfectly fine and there were no issues. Temps looked normal, if a bit high, but apparently Ryzen 7 3700X's naturally run hot? Idles around the lower to mid 40's, didn't go above 74 during the Cinebench test, hovered around 72-ish and dropped right back down again once it stopped. I even waited about 20 minutes after putting any stress on it to see if it would pop up and nothing was amiss the entire time.

Went downstairs to get some food, come back up intending to run some more intensive games and, low and behold, here we go again with this, because apparently this is going to be a problem now.

Same effect as the day before but this time I had nothing big open save for Firefox, some monitoring software, and I could get Task Manager up, though neither of them were giving me any information: TaskM was just 0's across the board and the monitoring software CPUID was just frozen with the last reading it had before . . . whatever the hell this is happened. I scrolled through Youtube and tried different videos, none of them were working. I could browse the internet and non-media things would load, weirdly enough, but anything requiring an actual button on a page or a script to run it either didn't work or only gave an indication it was being pressed. Most windows didn't want to respond past telling them to close if the X was visible. Couldn't close down the computer from the Start Menu again. And again it rebooted and went about like nothing had ever happened.

The third time was just tonight, and I was not running anything intensive, just Firefox, a bunch of monitoring software and CMD Prompt. I was running a couple fix commands and spending many more hours looking up solutions to this problem when it happened again. I noticed because a video playing suddenly stopped, and nothing I attempted to do was working on the computer: Browser did not work and windows did not respond, but the data feed tot he TaskM and CPUID was going, so thats strange. I still had to force restart it though.

The only thing I found was three Events: 41, 6008, and 1001 in the logs, with nothing else other than regular "Startup" entries. However, the Event 6008's data for the first two pointed to the shutdown occurring roughly a half an hour before I actually physically pressed the restart button on the tower to turn the system off. The third was 10 minutes before I actually shut it down, and I was using it just fine up until the very last moment when it froze all at once, which as stated was ten minutes past the point the system was marked as "Crashed" in the Event Viewer. The system was basically just doing a weird zombie mode where the computer was . . . on? But the processor wasn't processing anything? The Event 1001's tell me the computer should have BSOD'd or restarted on it's own or something, but it didn't. I did not get a 1001 for the third incident, so I am heavily leaning towards this being a hardware issue of some sort but I would love to be wrong about this. I have literally never encountered a situation where the system "crashed" but nothing actually shut off. In fact there was literally no indication that anything had happened at all aside from the fact so many things just straight-up didn't work.

Conclusion: I have absolutely no idea what the cause of this could be. I have never encountered anything at all like this before; everything else always has at least a relevant Event ID or at the very least something tangible I can see and maybe begin trying to explain, but these incidents are completely empty and they make no sense. Even the two apparent "sources" of shutdowns make no sense because they're both very well-known and/or used programs by millions of people, and there is nothing wrong with their installations, so to me it's pointing to Hardware. But aside from under load, it hasn't done anything, and so far directed tests for hardware problems haven't told me a single thing.

I am completely at a loss and any help I can receive would be very much appreciated.

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