Samsung evo 870 tb ssd wont show up in alienware m14xr2

Windows 10

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
So I have an alienware M14xR2. I cloned my hdd to a samsung evo 1tb ssd. Its reconized in disk magagment, all partitions correct and identical to the hdd. I marked the new drive/partitions as primary. Bios will not reconize the drive when i install in in the laptop. If i connect it via usb, it shows up and i can run the cloned drive via usb. I have it set to ACHI, and UEFI. Tried turning secure boot on and off, still wont reconize it, and tried selecting legacy rom enabled and doesnt reconize it on that setting either. For the love of god, what am I doing wrong and why will it only run via usb

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