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I'll try to keep it quick and simple. I'm no simpleton, I have a degree or two in the the 'technical sciences' so to speak, even though I don't do ANYTHING of the sort now. ANYWAY, about three weeks ago, once a week I would come in and one of my passwords would be incorrect. No big deal, i'm pushing 40, I use generally 2 authenticators anyway, the number generator and then the sms. Now I must state the I have used Hotmail for probably two decades with no issues generally, and of course 'real email addresses too. However, my new role at work, requires me to use an inferior (and I don't have the strength to argue fight or even the discuss the pros and cons, considering I've always been a die hard PC/Laptop person. Therefore, with the Samsung phone and all the lovely software my unnamed MASSIVE company uses, I am FORCED to use the beast that is Android. Coincidental, I also did a complete replacement of my ICC in my car recently which also runs on the horrible necture of the strench of wildrebeast. ow back to the story at hand.

Once a week of an incorrect password, became twice a week, then became once a day and then it went absolutely mental. Now, as I must stress, I am no 16 year old, using 1234 as a password and searching porn most of the day without even a cursory glace at anysort of mavaeloent being within the computer. I have been using Bitdfender for almost a decade now (as they have claimed that they have the highest success rate EVER, BUT, I also use Windows Defender and CC Cleaner and one or two 'secret aces up my sleeve' for the really nasty ones that pop up once and a while.

Ofcourse, I have two Hotmail addys' and two Gmail addy's both a reasonably important as like most lazy men who are so full of themselves with their three firewalls, four different types of intruder alerts and pretty much a closed in DLNA, I have NEVER bothered to back up anything, aside that I work away, most of my 25TB are not what you would call 100% of the profit goes to the people that make that docos, films and music. As I said, no porn. So, I started calling Bitdefender who assured me it was a joke and to keep up with the good password changing..... man, theres only so many ways you can pu letters and numbers together before you don't kwon whats going on......and then IT happened.

SUNDAY night, im in my room, streaming from Plex when I noticed that everything started to buffer really badly, which NEVER happens, its a straight through line. I walked out of my room at 2330 and JUST LIKE A MOVIE, I stood in front of my 'completely secure' ASUS ROG BEAST of a laptop with folders, files, and entire directories just 'disappearing off the screen'. I completely paniced. I didn't know wtf was going on, they must have run a script and locked my keyboard and mouse out, so I lost it and just started ripping things from out of the wall like a mad man. Ran down stairs and nearly pulled the (useless) NBN from the wall. I then got STRAIGHT onto my three iphones and my Ipad only to discover...….. they had got there first.

Yes. I don't know. I just don't know. Im guessing ALOT of RMT, a lot of keylogging, a HEAP of malware and trojans, BUT WHY DIDNT ANYTHING PICK IT UP ???? Bitdefender, Windows Defender, Kapersky, CCleaner, Spyware Hunter...…. So, of the 25 external TB hard drives, as far as I can tell, im pretty safe. Its only movies, docos and tv shows, HOWEVER, the two 1TB SSD's sitting inside my laptop were pretty much stripped.

But with all VERY strange things, just malice type stuff. No account numbers, no money (WELL, YET), no REALLY important docouments - but im still going through everything, they obviously cleaned them a few times as theres no trace and im pretty reasonable at seeing where people have been. It even looks like (from what I can see) is that they've cloaked themselves as harmless batch files and literally walked straight throught the two built in firewalls in the Belkin Router downstairs and the also the hard core firewall upstairs, let alone the software ones too !!

Right. I called Bitdefender, at 1am on Sunday morning, Perth Western Australia time and I happened to get (even though all through their web sites they ALL say 24hour help lines) to a 'bloke' in Portugal who both had difficult in hearing me and an obvious language barrier. The second call I made was to 'TELSTRA' pretty much the'Monopoly' guys here in Australia who look after the phones, the internet, the mobiles etc etc and have been just as arrogant for the last 30 years as they can be and told me that had nothing to do what gets trough their service, its up to me to protect myself.

Then I called Hotmail, cause both the GMAIL (who I blame the most) and Hotmail both had the failure to protect me, and I went absolutely MENTAL at all 5 people who spoke to me GMAIL I have been trying to call for days and to no answer. Hotmail had plenty of time, warning and resources to help me out. As I said, these guys (or girls who know) got into my porable devices first, stripped them and then put PUK codes on ALL FOUR DEVICES...…. WHO DOES THAT ?????????? They were very kind to leave me a roughly 20 page manifesto blaming Bitdefender for their 'lies and deceit' to the world, and that they were responsible for coverups beyond imagination……. etc the usual wacked out ramblings of deluded people who did ALL of this purely out of spite. The Australian Cyber Crime Police Squad were polite and took my details ……. 5 days ago and sent me an email today saying, 'things like this happen all the time' f no one got hurt and nothing 'of financial value got taken' if YOU (ME) could be very kind as to 'gather the evidence' from the parties involved, eg TELSTRA, BITDEFENDER, THE BULGARIANS ?! and put it all together in a nice leather bound case we might be able to do something about it...…..

Any way...….. THAT HAS BEEN MY LAST WEEK GUYS, that last hour before I started this with all that mucking around with my email passwords and addresses has been happening to me all week, from the banks to chat rooms..... these are not just 'twinder/twittle/grinder/whatever the heck kids do these days' emails, theses are my life, I have important details, receipts, bills numbers all sorts of stuff coming though all four of those just because a pack of T#@TS decided to destroy someones life on the other side of the world no less...…

Anyway, fellow gamers, look out for each other, its impossible,but I guess youd have to use a generator and stuff all the time and not your real phone numbers as back ups..... the biggest disappointments have been with both GMAIL ans HOTMAIL, my three hour phone conversation this morning went through 4 people and each person I had to tell them 'kurtly' to leave and call me back before I said something that we would both regret.

Hey, still no word from Bitdefender, he said he was going to run a logger for the 6 hours previous, he sent me the link and I got the info for him, but he hasn't bothered calling me back, from Bulgaria. Oh yea, the Hotmail chick not only ran a tracker but I watched her sloppily try to type in the password links for the keyloggers, I didn't have the heart to tell her she was spelling it incorrectly.

So, after all of that. I still don't know what info they took, I ve had this beast of a laptop over 10 years and its huge (TB wise)< theres all sorts of confidential info) and Bulgaria - like most of those Eastern European bloc coutries don't have the best reputation for idenety theift. Let alone, I have not faith in Bitdefender, WIndows, CCleaner and I have stacks and stacks and stacks of passwords, backuppassords, phonenumners, id codes, pin codes even im now confused as to whats going on...……..

Anyway.... thanks for listening and if you seen some weird shit going on with my profile/name/anything...….I'm still battling...……….They don't call me 'Spesh' for nothing.

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