Request for compensation for major loss of time, potential new customers, money involving tuition and cost of a error stricken pro upgrade due to prod

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Hello microsoft and affiliates, I'd first like to apologize for this lengthy post and thank those that take time to read and potentially involve themselves with this thread, i Don't normally go to rant on such a scale and especially don't like to ask for handouts but it is extremely beyond necessary at this point in time and would be inclined to not even call it a handout but a sign of appreciation for my years of consumer involvement. I'd also like to add that before anyone go saying I haven't earned a compensation for these recent microsoft constant issues, I've been a strictly Microsoft only user/consumer since windows 98. We all know Apple is crooked garbage and Linux was super limited for my capabilities when I got in to computers and far out of my level of understanding being that I was 8 and self taught, however this is no longer the case that linux is out of my league or user ability and Im now at my breaking point with Microsoft. I've yet to use a Microsoft os with minimal to no issues on a mass scale since windows 7 premium which i feel is still the best one so far, so here goes...

My name is Michael King and im a long, long time Microsoft supporter potentially past if something isn't done in the extra mile support and compensation bracket as its beyond due since I've definitely put my extra mile in by always faithfully sticking to microsoft through thick and thin including my most recent purchase windows 10 pro upgrade kit amidst the issues because I understand nothing is perfect but this is getting out of hand with something as simple as a product key upgrade which should never have issues in the first place. I purchased the key i should have infinite uses of said key since it dont come lined with platinum, costs damn near an arm and a leg and a lung from smoking all them stress cigarettes trying to stay sane.
BI've been sitting on this physical windows 10 pro upgrade (I even spent the extra money for thumb drive edition) for about 2 and a half weeks now. I purchased it from Amazon which was sealed and marked with authentic windows sticker and badge identification. I've literally done everything under the sun for troubleshooting i even went about reaching technical support a few different times which my hours are night for free time so it makes contact of support nearly impossible i did screenshare/outside control and was informed it was indeed yet again a problem on Microsoft's side and that my product key is indeed valid and should work. My main issue is regarding error (0xc004f050) which normally isnt much of a problem I can usually with minimal effort figure these errors out since I'm fairly adept with my microsoft OS comprehension. So in short all the knitty gritty time consuming stuff has been attempted and executed to no avail and now on to phase of callbacks and such which again is more time and money lost from having to be available for my next call back which should take place tomorrow August 15th 2020 around noon (I hope anyhow). Now what kind of compensation would be fitting for my situation, that im unsure of because I don't know what options microsoft even offersi do however know customer service like the back of my hand and know to keep your customers when you the seller screw up you don't just make it right you take the extra steps to keep that consumer eager to stay with your product or run risk of losing a ling time consumer to a short term one who most likely will just pirate windows software anyhow I however do not do that i purchase all my products legitimately and don't just steal like id sometimes like to just do and say screw it not gonna help me then ill just get it for free... I have here the physical numbers to show roughly how much Ive lost because of a Microsoft product issue.
My List of Losses so far are as follows.

-42 hours of work time @ 30 dollars/hr. which is my rate for business, comes to $1260.00

-$1200.00 tuition cost for class i failed because of microsoft activation error 0xc004f050.

-130.00 for upgrade kit at this time might as well be considered an expensive in effective paperweight.

Loss of potential new customers due to business being down from defective Microsoft product/software. I'd estimate this at 3 customers per week at least that have been lost so far which each customer averages anywhere from 4-8hrs=$120.00-$240.00 add that up to 2.5 weeks so let's just go easy and do lowest number $120.00 which would equal out to $360.00 a week putting us at a totally of roughly $900.00

So far we have: $1260.00, $1200.00, $130.00, and $900.00 bringing us to a estimated grand total of $3490.00 accumulated for this whole nightmare if we shoot low on customers count and such which doesn't even include the plain old stress from letting my customers down and losing business which potentially could shut me down completely if this isn't resolved within the next day or which I would then inturn be filing a lawsuit for sabotage, unprofessional and shady business tactics, and major major loss of revenue future past and present. Would it go well who knows. My point here is not to be refunded that number I threw out but to show the impact it alone has caused me just in these few weeks passed. I do however expect some form of compensation being that with almost $3500.00 I could literally buy a car or a custom os computer with all the bells and whistles, an os such as steam for instance. So I would please like to hear from Microsoft implore them to see what they can do to show me and the rest of the world some support and help out more than just a fix and apology of sorry about your troubles then "NEXT" to the next in line like im just a number in line. This could also potentially help in keeping microsoft alive as i know a lot of people who if they seen a compensation and 5 star grade assistance for such a headache, that they would most definitely if they haven't already switch to microsoft for further partnership on a consumer level. I do appreciate the time the tech advisors have taken so far to ensure they did everything they could and i know they don't just have a fix it now button as i myself am or once was a technical support advisor for IOS which was a big reason i steer far clear of apple products all together not hear to bash them but they don't really have what it takes anymore for computing. Get the same old layout that socks and a couple changes to appearance and boom 3000.00 price tag slapped on which feels similar to buying COD every release. Its like yay he's another 60 bucks for a couple texture packs and a little enhancing to graphics thats about it.

So Microsoft heres a chance to prove that you still care about your image and your consumers and that you have what it takes to keep my money coming to your end for future products. Please please please don't make me have to start from ground zero and go the extra mile. Thank you and looking forward to what lies ahead for us as partnered consumer/retailer relationship.

Michael King

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