Virus Guy
What's in a Name? wrote:
> > Here's the link for the BBC iPlayer facility:
> > http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00jc...ick_14_03_2009/
> some of us are not in the UK...
> "Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK
> only"
Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK
only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why?
Can I use BBC iPlayer outside the UK?
Rights agreements mean that BBC iPlayer television programmes are only
available to users to download or stream (Click to Play) in the UK.
However, we are aware of demand for an international version.
Most radio programmes are available outside the UK in addition to
podcasts, although sporting and other programmes may be subject to
rights agreements.
In addition, many BBC News programmes are available for viewers outside
the UK, as are BBC Sport highlights.
Do make sure you check for the latest updates on BBC iPlayer or contact
your own country's broadcasters to find out if they offer a similar
service to BBC iPlayer.
Did this answer your question?
* Yes, this did answer my question
-> * No, and I want to comment on how you can improve it
* No, can you help me?
Provide feedback on this answer:
"Can I use BBC iPlayer outside the UK?"
If this did not answer your question, please advise what information you
would expect to be provided.
We cannot provide responses to your comments, but you do have the
following options to:
* Visit the BBC iPlayer homepage
* Go to the BBC iPlayer messageboard to discuss this or any other
-> * Ask a question
* Return to bbc.co.uk
* Contact us if you require further assistance
I don't know what the "BBC iPlayer" is. So I don't know if I, being in
(some other country), do not have the right to use the "BBC iPlayer", or
if I do not have the right to view the specific material or content.
If the latter, please explain why I, being in (some other country),
would not have the right to view the material or content. Is it because
some other entity in (some other country) has the rights to broadcast or
distribute this content? If so, who is this entity? If not, then who's
rights would be violated if you allowed me to view this material?
Bogus name, A city in Some other Country
> > Here's the link for the BBC iPlayer facility:
> > http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00jc...ick_14_03_2009/
> some of us are not in the UK...
> "Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK
> only"
Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK
only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why?
Can I use BBC iPlayer outside the UK?
Rights agreements mean that BBC iPlayer television programmes are only
available to users to download or stream (Click to Play) in the UK.
However, we are aware of demand for an international version.
Most radio programmes are available outside the UK in addition to
podcasts, although sporting and other programmes may be subject to
rights agreements.
In addition, many BBC News programmes are available for viewers outside
the UK, as are BBC Sport highlights.
Do make sure you check for the latest updates on BBC iPlayer or contact
your own country's broadcasters to find out if they offer a similar
service to BBC iPlayer.
Did this answer your question?
* Yes, this did answer my question
-> * No, and I want to comment on how you can improve it
* No, can you help me?
Provide feedback on this answer:
"Can I use BBC iPlayer outside the UK?"
If this did not answer your question, please advise what information you
would expect to be provided.
We cannot provide responses to your comments, but you do have the
following options to:
* Visit the BBC iPlayer homepage
* Go to the BBC iPlayer messageboard to discuss this or any other
-> * Ask a question
* Return to bbc.co.uk
* Contact us if you require further assistance
I don't know what the "BBC iPlayer" is. So I don't know if I, being in
(some other country), do not have the right to use the "BBC iPlayer", or
if I do not have the right to view the specific material or content.
If the latter, please explain why I, being in (some other country),
would not have the right to view the material or content. Is it because
some other entity in (some other country) has the rights to broadcast or
distribute this content? If so, who is this entity? If not, then who's
rights would be violated if you allowed me to view this material?
Bogus name, A city in Some other Country