Random BSOD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kristoffer Johan Borum Knudsen (SESGKJBK)
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Kristoffer Johan Borum Knudsen (SESGKJBK)

For the better part of a year i have been getting BSOD erros, at least 3 times, and up to 20 times, a day. There is no indication of when it happens, and there is nothing that seems to trigger it. It can happen while playing games, or watching youtube etc.Although i have noticed it is more frequent when google chrome is open. I have tried everything, to reinstalling windows, installing a new ssd, (although i have a backup-drive that i have not replaced), updating and back-rolling drives, nothing has helped. The error codes on BSOD vary too.I have attached the dumb files, i hope someone can fix

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