Random BSOD - ntkrnlmp.exe dumped with running driver verifier

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Hello everyone!I get random BSOD wether it is in game or just doing office stuff (watching youtube, copying files etc.). The PC goes dark and sometime BSOD will ocur, the other time only a dump file was created.Sometime the PC runs for hours nice and smoothly and sometime after 30 min it shuts down again.I tried the Driver Verifer which got me this dumpfile.https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/a637to14iq7ngxzndslxp/ABXKtqWweWwa8MUbOdNDqFg?rlkey=xtxr8qutn0tb40qzk2xunv720&st=4ayrtsry&dl=0Hope someone has an Idea to get this fixed! :)Thanks in advanceChrisHere's the analysis of the dump vie Win

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