RAM Vampire, Random Shutdowns, USB hub failures, yet not a BSOD to be seen...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kamereone
  • Start date Start date


Figure it's time to ask for insight on the rather bizarre collection of 'bad habits' my Surface 3 has developed. I've held off mainly because I can't reliably reproduce the behaviors, though I have noticed some general trends. Come to the conclusion it's probably an issue beyond my comprehension, so this is me tapping out and appealing to the wise and all-knowing community!

In no particular order....

  1. Memory is nearly always entirely maxed out. Even after a clean boot, with no apps opened, and startup programs all disabled. But it's not always the same process. Main offenders seem to be Antimalware Service Executable (MsMpEng.exe) and Microsoft OneDrive (32-bit) - and of course, if Edge or IE are open, they gobble up at least 60%.
  2. CPU seems to be running high too, OneDrive and Edge especially.
  3. Randomly shuts down, no notice, just off. On startup after this happens, nothing resumes or recovers, and there's nothing glaring in the event log to explain it.
  4. USB device not recognized; keyboard ceases to work, Bluetooth capability vanishes, and no amount of Device Manager prodding will bring either back. Seems to coincide with low battery - but not always, and not always at the same % remaining. Rebooting solves the problem, though it's happened a few times that I've left it to charge overnight and things seem to magically sort themselves out.
  5. Microsoft Office programs become non-responsive when doing an Auto Save. Window goes blank and glitches a bit, and then everything back to normal.

Things that were weird but I've managed to figure out, in case they shed light on the above issues:

  • Plugged In, Not Charging.
    Seemed to happen over 50% of the time when using the Surface plugged in. Changing the physical order-of-operations seems to have resolved the issue. As long as I plug the charging cable into the PC first, before plugging it into the power source, there seems to be no issue.
  • Things going haywire at 34% battery, PC shutting down at 14% - significantly improved after resetting the battery power profiles to default.
  • I had been having high disk usage issues a while back, turned out to be something with OneDrive, I should have notes somewhere on what I did that seemed to resolve the issue.

Would love some insight, any thoughts or suggestions anyone may have. Thanks!

Win 10, 1803 Build 17134.706

Surface 3, 4.0GB/128GB, Intel Atom x7 1.60GHz

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