Problems with Photo app and Flow app in windows 10

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I have seen several posts online about freezing caused by the Flow task in processes in task manager.

I have had the problems for months without knowing what was causing it. I have little technical ability when it comes to computers, so I hope this speaks to others with less ability to help them solve the issue for themselves easily.

So I finally decided to keep task manager open to view what is going on during these freezes, which happened usually when in my Firefox browser. For those who do not know how, press ctrl-alt-delete at the same time and task manager appears. Make sure it is on the processes tab. From there you can see what each app is doing. I focused on the far right column, which is Power Usage Trend. The Flow app was at high and very high levels during the freezes. It was getting so bad that several times my computer would completely lock up and I had to force shut down my computer, which I did not like doing, but was the only alternative to get back up and running again. So finally I decided to see what I could solve with a little investigation of my own. What I found when I was able to look in my task manager that the Flow process was spiking during the freezes. So I decided to end the process and when I did the freeze would stop, but keep coming back because the flow would automatically start up again and again. Each time I would end the Flow task the freeze would stop.

So after looking online for help and really not being comfortable doing some of the technical gyrations some people were suggesting, I saw that maybe I could handle this with logic. I was able to hear sound even when I shut flow off, which some suggested could be affected by removing it. I was ready to try something by now and recover later if it did not work.

What I did was this. I left task manager open and once the freeze started I right clicked on the "Flow" then clicked "open file destination" left clicked on that, and then I right clicked on the "Flow" file and deleted it.

Since I did that I have not had an inkling of a freeze. Free at last!!

Another way to do this is go into Windows-Program Files-Conexant-Flow. Then delete the main Flow file. I left the other flow files in place for now. All I can say is that after months of not knowing what to do. Even having a Microsoft tech reload Windows 10 a few days ago because of other issues, I still had the freezing and also photo transfer problems. Whenever I plugged into either of my Windows 10 computers the Photo app would load the photos and videos for transfer, but once the transfer started it would kick me out and then eventually it would not recognize my iphone anymore. I spent countless hours trying to coax it to load photo's with little or no success. Many times in the middle of what I thought was going to be a successful transfer, the app would stop the transfer and either some or no photos would be transferred. I had lived with this problem for a few months, but hit my wits end when trying to download videos to my laptop one night. I was furious about how much time I spent getting nowhere. I finally, had Microsoft team member online remotely looking at my computer a few nights ago and could not help me, even with a Windows 10 reload, which made me nervous. But all of that netted me "0" actual results. The Microsoft tech was very helpful, polite, and spent over an hour trying to help me, but after the complete reloading of Windows 10 the problem remained. I was not going to let that stop me from going to an alternative, even if I had to pay for it. Wasted time is worse than any money it would have cost for new photo software.

So for photo's I went onto Apple and found a compatible software that is free to download my video's and photos at lightning speed! It is amazing how much it is better than the Microsoft Photo software is. Not buggy or sensitive at all! The free software is called Photo Transfer App. It is for Iphone, but there might be an Android version. I have downnloaded several times using this software and it is amazing!! So there you have it. 2 issues a non computer guy solved with a little effort and investigation knowing that there is not a point of no return if you investigate properly.

Now I don't know if the Flow app will re-appear or be reloaded with any Microsoft updates, but you can be sure I will delete it again to have the kind of day I had today since I deleted it hours ago. Freeze free in I can't remember how long. Good luck to all, and I hope this helps the less technical of us as well as the more technical.

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