I am using the function ReadValueAsync(BluetoothCacheMode.Cached) for reading from a characteristic in a bluetooth LE device.
I read 195 bytes the first time with no problem. However, the second time (to receive a new set of 195 characters) I get the
same bytes as the first time nit the updated ones. I know that the LE device is sending updated data. If I change to UnCached
in the function, the function never returns.
I would appreciate any suggestions,
Thank You,
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I am using the function ReadValueAsync(BluetoothCacheMode.Cached) for reading from a characteristic in a bluetooth LE device.
I read 195 bytes the first time with no problem. However, the second time (to receive a new set of 195 characters) I get the
same bytes as the first time nit the updated ones. I know that the LE device is sending updated data. If I change to UnCached
in the function, the function never returns.
I would appreciate any suggestions,
Thank You,
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