We are running exchange 2016 along with outlook 2016. We load associate photos in AD and use them for Exchange, Skype for Business and SharePoint. The issue that we are seeing is when specific users send an email their photo is not displayed in the contact card within the recipients outlook.
If I right click where the picture should be and "open outlook properties" the contact card opens in a new window and I can see the photo. I am not sure where to go from here as the picture shows up correctly in SFB and SharePoint. Exchange is also caching the correct picture in "Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\photos\_company-F6C3D07B498ACE586C25E05BE1166D08\HR96x96" folder.
I should mention that for one of the users that we are seeing the issue with, we removed the picture from AD and added it back but the issue remains. Also, the Thumbnailphoto attribute is set to type "Indicator" in the OAB. The photos for these users were showing up at one point then all of the sudden people started noticing that they weren't showing anymore.
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If I right click where the picture should be and "open outlook properties" the contact card opens in a new window and I can see the photo. I am not sure where to go from here as the picture shows up correctly in SFB and SharePoint. Exchange is also caching the correct picture in "Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\photos\_company-F6C3D07B498ACE586C25E05BE1166D08\HR96x96" folder.
I should mention that for one of the users that we are seeing the issue with, we removed the picture from AD and added it back but the issue remains. Also, the Thumbnailphoto attribute is set to type "Indicator" in the OAB. The photos for these users were showing up at one point then all of the sudden people started noticing that they weren't showing anymore.
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