Office ProPlus 2016 Install Deployment Tool Script Error 17002

  • Thread starter Thread starter JeffreyPMc
  • Start date Start date


I have Office 365 (2013) installed on Windows 7. It was installed with a startup script in GPO. The script and config file originated from the Office Deployment tool with some modifications to install from a local server. This install was done on all our machines without any problems a few years ago.

I am now trying to upgrade to Office 365 (2016) using the same method on one test machine. Every time the machine restarts, I get an Error 17002 in the log files generated by the install and Office 2013 remains intact on the client. I have read numerous articles on 17002, but can't find my specific cause. If I login as domain admin on the client and manually run the startup script, Office 2016 installs and 2013 is gone, just as expected. I just can't make it work unattended at machine startup.

What am I overlooking? I have included below:

  1. Script File
  2. Config file
  3. A portion of the Logfile - created on local server when installation files are located


REM *********************************************************************
REM Environment customization begins here. Modify variables below.
REM *********************************************************************

@echo 1st - in file > c:\OfficeInstallText.txt

REM Set DeployServer to a network-accessible location containing the Office source files.
set DeployServer=\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016

REM Set ConfigFile to the configuration file to be used for deployment (required)
set ConfigFile=\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016\Office2016Config.xml

REM Set LogLocation to a central directory to collect script log files (install log files are set in XML file).
set LogLocation=\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016\LogFiles

REM *********************************************************************
REM Deployment code begins here. Do not modify anything below this line (check quotes are quotes though).
REM *********************************************************************
IF NOT "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (goto ARP64) else (goto ARP86)
REM Operating system is X64. Check for 32 bit Office in emulated Wow6432 registry key
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRunStore\Packages\{9AC08E99-230B-47e8-9721-4577B7F124EA}
if NOT %errorlevel%==1 (goto End)
REM Check for 32 and 64 bit versions of Office 2013 in regular registry key.(Office 64bit would also appear here on a 64bit OS)
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRunStore\Packages\{9AC08E99-230B-47e8-9721-4577B7F124EA}
if %errorlevel%==1 (goto DeployOffice) else (goto End)
REM If 1 returned, the product was not found. Run setup here.
echo %date% %time% Setup started. - %LogLocation%\%computername%.txt
echo %date% %time% Setup started. >> "%LogLocation%\%computername%.txt"
pushd "%DeployServer%"
start /wait setup.exe /configure "%ConfigFile%"
echo %date% %time% Setup ended with error code %errorlevel%. >> "%LogLocation%\%computername%.txt"
REM If 0 or other was returned, the product was found or another error occurred. Do nothing.

<Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Broad" SourcePath="\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016" AllowCdnFallback="TRUE" ForceUpgrade="TRUE">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync" />
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive" />
<Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0" />
<Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="TRUE" />
<Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" />
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />
<Updates Enabled="TRUE" UpdatePath="\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016\Updates" />
<RemoveMSI All="True" />
<Setup Name="Company" Value="XXXXXX Resources LLC" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
<Logging Path="\\XXXXX\prfs\Installation Points\Microsoft\Office 365\Office 2016\LogFiles" />

11/05/2018 16:48:07.715 SETUP (0xffc) 0xc1c Telemetry Rules Engine bhytv Medium NotifyEventProcessingCompleted: Flush succeeded
11/05/2018 16:48:18.210 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run General Telemetry a2xvw Medium TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction {"MachineId": "b9469b9a477a554d81792a401c21c636", "SessionID": "56a30a32-710f-4e86-b86e-8ef8443f2945", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.9126.2295", "ContextData": "Client returned exit code: 17002"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.210 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run Non Task Error axzwz Unexpected TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction {"MachineId": "b9469b9a477a554d81792a401c21c636", "SessionID": "56a30a32-710f-4e86-b86e-8ef8443f2945", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.9126.2295", "ErrorCode": 17002, "ErrorType": "", "AppVErrorSource": "", "ErrorMessage": "", "ErrorDetails": "", "ContextData": "Upgrade failed with error code 17002"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.210 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run a5bqv Medium RestorePreviousService::HandleStateAction: Attempt to restore previous service. Previous client located here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe
11/05/2018 16:48:18.210 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run General Telemetry bahx1 Medium O15Client::ServiceDoctor {"MachineId": "b9469b9a477a554d81792a401c21c636", "SessionID": "56a30a32-710f-4e86-b86e-8ef8443f2945", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.9126.2295", "ContextData": "Service restore not required"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.226 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run General Telemetry bahx6 Medium RestorePreviousService::HandleStateAction {"MachineId": "b9469b9a477a554d81792a401c21c636", "SessionID": "56a30a32-710f-4e86-b86e-8ef8443f2945", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.9126.2295", "ContextData": "Restored previous service"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.226 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run axzw0 Medium CleanUpClient::HandleStateAction: Cleaning O16 client directory
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run aoh72 Medium ExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Click-To-Run General Telemetry arqpm Medium wWinMain {"MachineId": "b9469b9a477a554d81792a401c21c636", "SessionID": "56a30a32-710f-4e86-b86e-8ef8443f2945", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "0.0", "ContextData": "AdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 17002."}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Activity bjtcw Medium ActivityEnded {"Name": "Office.ClickToRun.ODT", "CV": "C4RxUnYGHkyNCQI6vSLVfg.6", "ProcessIdentifier": "setup.exe_16.0.11023.33600_X86_{5271840B-0676-4C1E-8D09-023ABD22D57E}"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Telemetry Event biyhq Medium SendEvent {"EventName": "Office.ClickToRun.ODT", "Flags": 16891649, "InternalSequenceNumber": 22, "Time": "2018-11-05T22:48:18Z", "Contract": "Office.System.Activity", "Activity.CV": "C4RxUnYGHkyNCQI6vSLVfg.6", "Activity.Duration": 19563938, "Activity.Count": 1, "Activity.AggMode": 0, "Activity.Success": false, "Activity.Result.Code": 17002, "Activity.Result.Type": "ExitCode", "Data.Platform": "x86", "Data.Culture": "en-us", "Data.ProductReleaseId": "none"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc NexusTenantTokenClickToRun b1dlq Medium SendEventForRuleTransport {"EventName": "Office.ClickToRun.ODT", "EventContract": "Office.System.Activity", "EventFlags": 16891649, "EventData": "{\"Activity.CV\": \"C4RxUnYGHkyNCQI6vSLVfg.6\", \"Activity.Duration\": 19563938, \"Activity.Count\": 1, \"Activity.AggMode\": 0, \"Activity.Success\": false, \"Activity.Result.Code\": 17002, \"Activity.Result.Type\": \"ExitCode\", \"Data.Platform\": \"x86\", \"Data.Culture\": \"en-us\", \"Data.ProductReleaseId\": \"none\"}", "EventContractInfo": "{\"zC.Activity\": \"Office.System.Activity\", \"zC.Activity.Result\": \"Office.System.Result\"}", "EventSamplingPolicy": 191, "EventTypeInfo": "{\"zT.Activity.CV\": \"string\", \"zT.Activity.Duration\": \"uint64\", \"zT.Activity.Count\": \"uint64\", \"zT.Activity.AggMode\": \"uint8\", \"zT.Activity.Success\": \"bool\", \"zT.Activity.Result.Code\": \"int32\", \"zT.Activity.Result.Type\": \"string\", \"zT.Data.Platform\": \"string\", \"zT.Data.Culture\": \"string\", \"zT.Data.ProductReleaseId\": \"string\"}", "EventDataClassificationInfo": "{\"zDC.Activity.CV\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.Duration\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.Count\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.AggMode\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.Success\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.Result.Code\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Activity.Result.Type\": \"SM\", \"zDC.Data.Platform\": \"ESM\", \"zDC.Data.Culture\": \"ESM\", \"zDC.Data.ProductReleaseId\": \"ESM\"}"}
11/05/2018 16:48:18.257 SETUP (0xffc) 0x5cc Telemetry Rules Engine cpqmr Medium TelemetryManager::ProcessPendingTelemetryAndShutdown

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