On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:23:42 +0100, DEFENDER01 wrote:
> 'Stefan Patric[_3_ Wrote:
>> ;3386655']On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:44:40 +0100, DEFENDER01 wrote: -
>> Gmail notifier not remembering password even though i tick the remember
>> password box.
>> I am using firefox on all my pcs but for some reason one will just not
>> remember on every restart i need to sign in every time.-
>> Check Firefox's Preferences/Settings under Security, see if "Remember
>> Passwords" in checked. You may have to look. The exact location
>> varies
>> between Firefox versions and which OS they run on, and I don't have
>> access to XP right now, so I can't check.
>> Stef
> Thanks yes that is set to remember passwords. I am using the same mail
> notifier on my other p c and every thing seems to be set the same.
> I did do a Google and it seems others are having the same problem but
> have no answers to solve it.
> guess i will just need to sign in every time i reboot Strange.
Works on all my Yahoo and GMail accounts. (Firefox 3.5.9 64-bit running
on Fedora 12 Linux 64-bit) In Preferences, check 'Exceptions' and 'Saved
Passwords' and see if anything is there. You may have inadvertently set
some accounts as exceptioned for remembering. Be sure to quit/restart
Firefox after making Preferences changes to load the new settings.
Personally, for security, I never have passwords "remembered" on any of
my systems, Linux or Windows.