Newsflash! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! TODAY New Copilot Update Drops in Windows 11 GA!

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Folks, it has arrived❗👍👍😀👏 (entered VERY quietly, too) > Taskbar Settings > Other system tray icons. Click that. Scroll down to find Microsoft Copilot and toggle it ON. Now, the Copilot icon will live permanently on the Sys tray. If NOT pinned, the Copilot icon will only be on the taskbar if, when, while Copilot is in use... Closing after use and the taskbar icon is gone from there. But NOT from the Sys tray.That said, you are not obliged to click on the Sys tray icon for Copilot...There is, now, a K/B shortcut Copilot CAN use/wants to use. It is Alt+Space. However, that shortcut,

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