Hi, experts of MS!
I suffer! Since two or three months I try to detect why my home-network is unstable.
I am operating three computers in a home-network. From time to time the connection between all of them is working well. But suddenly one or all of the connections get interrupted. No reason why. Restart of computer(s) reestablishes – mostly/sometimes - the connection(s) till the next failure. Crazy: e.g. HP notebook (Win10 Pro) might be unable to connect with Lenovo notebook, but Lenovo (Win10 Home) can! This situation is based upon working with Windows Explorer.
I have evaluated the internet over months, I followed all the proposals, I found no solution. Now, experts of MS, your help is due.
My installation:
1 HP notebook, Win10 Pro, Version 1809, 64-bit, connected via Ethernet with router.
1 Lenovo notebook, Win10 Home, 1803, 64-bit, connected via Mesh-WLAN with router.
1 HP desktop, Win 10 Home, 1803, 64-bit, connected via Mesh-WLAN with router.
All Windows-Versions are updated.
What I did:
New installation of OS, securing naming conventions, resource allocation, securing the sharing issues, doing all the network adjustments, network resets, network troubleshooting, recommended registry adaption, and, and … I feel, there might be not one of the recommendations proposed via Internet which I didn’t try. Furthermore Router and WLAN have been exchanged twice.
The router shows a perfect working network with correct IP-allocations, but the access to computers is instable as described. Windows Explorer doesn’t show computers in folder "network" on HP notebook, but on Lenovo notebook and on HP desktop. In general: connection between Lenovo notebook and HP desktop is OK (both under Win Home). HP notebook: even if no connection to other computers is possible via Explorer or direct call \\Computername, connection is possible with \\IP-Adress ( Network-Services are set on “automatic” for Function Discovery Provider Host, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery and UPnP Device Host. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList is not working. Message: “Fehler beim Öffnen von Networklist. Details: Zugriff verweigert” (Unable to open Networklist. Details: access denied.)
Internet-Connection is always available, but having a lousy response time.
I am running no third-party Antivirus Programs, but Windows Defender.
All cables are well connected.
Win10 Pro was newly installed last week.
· Discrepancy between Win10 Pro and Win10 Home? That’s what I feel.
· Bug in Win10 Pro (see registry-error)?
· What else?
Please, help an advanced user, but no computer expert.
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I suffer! Since two or three months I try to detect why my home-network is unstable.
I am operating three computers in a home-network. From time to time the connection between all of them is working well. But suddenly one or all of the connections get interrupted. No reason why. Restart of computer(s) reestablishes – mostly/sometimes - the connection(s) till the next failure. Crazy: e.g. HP notebook (Win10 Pro) might be unable to connect with Lenovo notebook, but Lenovo (Win10 Home) can! This situation is based upon working with Windows Explorer.
I have evaluated the internet over months, I followed all the proposals, I found no solution. Now, experts of MS, your help is due.
My installation:
1 HP notebook, Win10 Pro, Version 1809, 64-bit, connected via Ethernet with router.
1 Lenovo notebook, Win10 Home, 1803, 64-bit, connected via Mesh-WLAN with router.
1 HP desktop, Win 10 Home, 1803, 64-bit, connected via Mesh-WLAN with router.
All Windows-Versions are updated.
What I did:
New installation of OS, securing naming conventions, resource allocation, securing the sharing issues, doing all the network adjustments, network resets, network troubleshooting, recommended registry adaption, and, and … I feel, there might be not one of the recommendations proposed via Internet which I didn’t try. Furthermore Router and WLAN have been exchanged twice.
The router shows a perfect working network with correct IP-allocations, but the access to computers is instable as described. Windows Explorer doesn’t show computers in folder "network" on HP notebook, but on Lenovo notebook and on HP desktop. In general: connection between Lenovo notebook and HP desktop is OK (both under Win Home). HP notebook: even if no connection to other computers is possible via Explorer or direct call \\Computername, connection is possible with \\IP-Adress ( Network-Services are set on “automatic” for Function Discovery Provider Host, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery and UPnP Device Host. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList is not working. Message: “Fehler beim Öffnen von Networklist. Details: Zugriff verweigert” (Unable to open Networklist. Details: access denied.)
Internet-Connection is always available, but having a lousy response time.
I am running no third-party Antivirus Programs, but Windows Defender.
All cables are well connected.
Win10 Pro was newly installed last week.
· Discrepancy between Win10 Pro and Win10 Home? That’s what I feel.
· Bug in Win10 Pro (see registry-error)?
· What else?
Please, help an advanced user, but no computer expert.
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