andrea vironda
I notice i have network issues when i deal with Outlook.
When i try to sync e-mails the network shuts off and i need to wait 5 minutes before it reconnects.
In the event viewer i can find some tip: a warning ID1014 and then error ID16398, related to Bits-Client
In application panel i see many ID1022 and ID455.
Since the network restores by itself, i think the problem is related to a kind of counter.
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I notice i have network issues when i deal with Outlook.
When i try to sync e-mails the network shuts off and i need to wait 5 minutes before it reconnects.
In the event viewer i can find some tip: a warning ID1014 and then error ID16398, related to Bits-Client
In application panel i see many ID1022 and ID455.
Since the network restores by itself, i think the problem is related to a kind of counter.
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