I keep receiving a pop up message that reads:
Windows security alert stating "your system is badly infected with dangerous viruses which includes Trojan Storm Worms, Melissa!.... Windows has detected unusual activity and Security breach on your Computer network and Files. System Browser, Data, Setting and Application might be crashed.
Error found!! 0x000000CEVBrowser_2334an2cf
Error!!!!777x000CEV2fFailure Operating System.
Host Error!!!! 0x000000x777000x9c2fj00wnCEV
Windows Firewall!!!!! Turn Off.
System Health!!!!! Critical
Message further advises for Technical Information Contact Immediate Windows Support Center for Further Assistance. Call Toll Free : 1-800-977-5538
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Windows security alert stating "your system is badly infected with dangerous viruses which includes Trojan Storm Worms, Melissa!.... Windows has detected unusual activity and Security breach on your Computer network and Files. System Browser, Data, Setting and Application might be crashed.
Error found!! 0x000000CEVBrowser_2334an2cf
Error!!!!777x000CEV2fFailure Operating System.
Host Error!!!! 0x000000x777000x9c2fj00wnCEV
Windows Firewall!!!!! Turn Off.
System Health!!!!! Critical
Message further advises for Technical Information Contact Immediate Windows Support Center for Further Assistance. Call Toll Free : 1-800-977-5538
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