my pc keep crashing and im getting alot of BSOD

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrimsonBorne
  • Start date Start date



my pc is still new a year and half now

but for a long time im getting alot BSOD

tried to fix the issues with many methodds nothing works i even opened one thread here about the problem and nothing worked for me

and the thing that its happening to me its soo weird im having the weirdest PC ever

here is whats going on

so i login to my pc doing work playing games watching youtube etc...

everything fine then BOOM all of sudden my pc crashes and restart by its on

and then everything is fine im it didnt crash anymore

and then i restart my pc or close it for different reason and then when i use it everything is fine then BOOM bsod and its restart and everything is fine after

and also sometimes when i get bsod

there a precentge to collect information about the crash

sometimes it went 100% and restart everything is fine

but sometimes its stays at 0% and then it restart BUT guess what happen i get black screen this msg i forgot what it said exactly but its something like this ( pls reboot insert a proper boot device ) something like that

but when i reboot by ctrl + alt + del to restart im having the same msg. so what i did i just turn off my pc by

the boot button wait couple of min then boot again and everything is fine again i login i go do my work THEN BOOM my pc crashes and restart by its own then it wont crash again incouple of days if i didnt close my pc

so what i mean by all of this is

when my pc restart by it own there will be no another crashes for couple of says then it will crash

but when i restart or close my pc annd open it by my self and then the crashes happen again until it restart on its own to work fine

and so what i do i just open my pc wait for it to crash and restart by its own and so i work fine without crashes and when im done i keep my pc open so i dont have to open it by myself and crash all over again

and thats happen to me for long time i was battling with this ****

i just dont know **** is going on

tried alot of **** nothing works

sry for the long msg

and i have gtx 1660ti

i5 9600k

16g ram



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